Chapter 2

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Casey Roberts' POV
I was standing outside of the farm waiting patiently for somebody to show up to help me with my bags that I have left in my family's big truck, I sighed desperately checking the time every now and then that was until I noticed a girl walking out the house pretending to not see me lucky enough I had good sighting, "Excuse me?" I called out to her for attention, I saw that she looked tensed when she heard my voice, she turned around to see who it was from that moment on it washed through my mind knowing that she was looked very familiar but different she had platinum blonde hair with a long sleeve shirt on with cowgirl jeans and boots hands in pockets like me that was when it hit me, it was my longtime best friend Hannah DuPont, I had my jaw wide open when I saw her, what in the world was she doing here? "Long time, no see. Hannah" I said with a deep smile, I looked at her very closely at her like she was very surprised to see me, I was hoping she knew I was coming down to work until I heard her say something. "Casey Roberts!" she said, I nodded my head "Hey Hann" I shyly waved at her "What are you doing here?" she asked with a stern look on her face, "I came out to work here, is that a problem?" I asked "Whatever" she said coldly and walked away from me which concerned me because she never acted so cold to me, was she mad at me? I thought for a moment, I looked up to see her working and moving things around to see if she would ever look at me back but instead she just ignored me when she walked away from me, I looked down sadly as she was working that was until I heard the door swing open aggressively that had startled me that was when I saw another person outside the house, "Hey Hannah, wait for m-" a familiar face came out the door and looked straight over at me, she was  just as surprised to see me then Hannah was and ran over to me to give me a big hug but she wasn't Hannah at all, "Hey Casey" she said giving a hug so I insisted on hugging her back, "Hey Abby" I smiled at her hug "How's everything?" I asked her curiously hoping she knows what had been going on with Hannah, "I've been doing good as normal since everything started back up since we moved back to Oklahoma City" she replied not really interested or happy but saddened about it, "What do you mean?" I asked looking at her waiting for an answer from her patiently, "We recently got back from Kentucky because our grandparents needed us to help them raise the farm to help them the get money and everything but we don't have the money before the end of next year then its bye-bye farm and move to a different location maybe state" she explained everything to me, Kentucky? Wow. No wonder Hannah had been so cold to me and ignoring me, I wish there was something I could do to help the situation, "Ever since then Hannah hasn't been the same" she continued on, I nodded my head understandably, "ABBS GET OVER HERE AND HELP ME, I NEED YOU ASAP!" I heard a yell from a distance not to far away from the barn behind Abby, "Well, it was nice seeing you again after 2 years, I gotta get going before she gets mad even more. Katy & Kayla are inside your free to go inside and join them if you'd like" she said feeling annoyed and pointed at the door behind her "See ya around again soon" she ran past me, I watched as she left me by my truck alone, I giggled to myself knowing she still hasn't changed one bit over the years, she was still the same sweetheart from when she was only six years old always wanting to hang around with me and Hannah everyday, I walked over to the door to see Katy & Kayla to see how much they've changed.

I walk around the whole house looking for both Katy & Kayla when I headed to the kitchen, I heard chatting, "I can't believe, Hannah. She's been busy hovering over the bathroom lately because of Casey being in her mind all week from day and night since we've gotten back from Kentucky, she's been so cold like mean and rude with us plus ignoring us, Kayla" a voice said from the kitchen, wait what? I eavesdropped on their conversation even more about what was going on with Hannah, "Oh come on Kat, quit exaggerating so much, she just going through some new changes without mom and dad since our grandparents needed our help for real, cut her some slack" Kayla said, I noticed they weren't the same people who I thought they were especially Hannah as for Abigail, she hadn't changed she was still the same girl I've known since we were kids, I continued listening to their conversation, "Oh come on, she's not your problem anymore she's a grown woman now, she's more capable of making her own decisions and more like choices" she said, I couldn't believe what I was hearing from out of Katy's mouth my face turned red full of anger, "Shut Up! You don't understand what she's been through over the years since she's gone through so much like going to public schools and colleges which she's been kicked out for no reason, she needs help from us and I know how just to do it more than you have so had Abigail, you need to quit being so rude to her and start supporting your own sister after going through so much also quit making things worse including harder for her" Kayla said standing up for her, Hannah was being bullied back in school and got kicked out of college, why? I was shocked when I heard her call her out, I pop out of nowhere before Katy was about to say something that would cause them to fight, "Hey, you're door was opened. I hope you didn't mind me coming in" I said, they both had looked at me like they've seen a ghost like Hannah did earlier while seeing how fast she knew me, I'm hoping they remember me as well pretty quickly, "No Way, Casey!" Katy was surprised to see me so was Kayla, they both came up to me to give me a huge hug, "How are you doing, Casey?" Kayla asked "I'm doing well thanks for asking" I answered her "That's good, I'm glad to hear. Aren't you glad as well Kat?" Kayla smiled at me "Uhhh...Y-Yeah, I'll leave you two alone for now so I can go help Hannah and Abby with the farm. I hope to see you again, Casey" Katy slightly waved at me awkwardly, I rolled my eyes annoyed still mad at her for saying something that awful about her as I watched her leave the house hastily. "Well, I guess, she hadn't changed one bit has she?" I asked with my arms crossed and turned to look at her, "Yeah, she's still a spoiled brat indeed. I wish she'd just be happy more often than arguing with Hannah all the time" she told me, I never knew how soften she was after growing older then she is now, "I believe it" I laughed at my own comment so did she, "Are you ready for work?" she asked "Ready as I ever been before for anybody" I answered jokingly hoping she got the joke, I saw that she didn't reply just standing there then she put her mind in the gutter, she laughed so hard that she couldn't even stop laughing at me, "You haven't changed a bit" she slowly stopped laughing at me but got more serious, "Let's get going then, I'm sure there's a-lot to do before sundown, you ready?" she asked with a stern voice "Yes ma'am" I answered her question, I was behind her following her, I didn't think that she would be this nice to anyone since the day I met Hannah in the barn because our fathers were best friends that was how we met each other that one day outside the farm, I didn't think she would be acting differently with me, I always wondered what it was like to work with Hannah at a farm together, wait what am I saying? I can't have a crush on her, she's my childhood best friend, I don't want to do anything to ruin that never in my lifetime.

Hannah DuPont's POV
I was busy working at the farm with both of my sisters Abby & Katy, I've been thinking about Casey, I felt so bad for being so cold to her acting like I didn't even like her, I was working on my horse brushing her off and giving her a bath, my horse neighed happily, I smiled at her that was until my smile faded away from my face after having a thought of Casey popping into my head, "Don't know what to do about, Casey. Anna after 2 years of not seeing her but now she's comes over to my grandparents farm after not getting into contact with me after not seeing me now my sister is trying to get me into getting with her for some silly crush, I had on her after nine years of being at Oklahoma City" I said, I can't believe I'm talking about this with Anna about my problems even though she's just a horse, I faced palmed to myself through the face which got Anna snorted again telling me that I should go for it, "Why do you think I should go for it? We've just reunited today especially my sisters too" I asked, Anna snorted again and try to put my hand on her face like a dog would. I hesitated trying to deny my true feeling where I don't want Anna know that I'm lying but instead there was a difference between me and Anna like some kind of horse connection that I've been looking into for years of feeling auras around me especially Casey's but something was off about it like there's something, I looked at Anna and smiled while petting her gently that was when I felt something from afar right behind that was where Anna stopped letting me pet her and looked right behind me, I turned myself around too see where Anna was looking but something came over almost feeling goosebumps around my body that I've felt in years, I saw it was two familiar faces heading over this way. I saw two aura colors, oh no not again. I face palmed myself in the face once again, "What's wrong, Hannah?" someone said from behind me, I turned to see it was my youngest sister Abigail standing right behind me, Abby I had a signature of GREEN which meant strength, patience, determination, dedication & perseverance of her aura that was when Katy came around right behind her with a signature of RED which meant sign that she was full of anger but for the most different part, I saw that Kayla was walking into the barn with Casey behind her, I rolled my eyes and went back to focusing on Anna, "Guys" Kayla said trying to get our attention but I ignored her before that had gotten different more like worse then ever before but differently, Casey's emotions were very strong so there was something about these two colors was different but I've never seen them before called INDIGO & PINK mixed together but next was Kayla's aura color was BLUE & YELLOW were all together Casey's color was off better than all the other colors like it was mixed all together into one color. "Hey Casey" Abby & Katy both said with awkward waves, "Hi" Casey said "What brings you here?" Katy asked rudely, I saw that Abby had elbowed her side to make her stop being so rude, I had snickered to myself when I heard something from her out of her mouth, "She's going to be working with us today to help us save the DuPont's farm" I heard Kayla say to them, I had dropped my brush that belonged to Anna to brush with that was when everyone turned their heads toward her, I was too stunned to say anything so my whole body got tensed up a bit, I couldn't say what I wanted to say something but I couldn't my body froze after hearing that she was going to be working with us.

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