Chapter 3

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Katy DuPont's POV
I was to busy helping my sisters and Casey with a few projects but for some reason Casey kept making goodly eyes at Hannah which was concerning me because they never once started talking after two years of not seeing each other but after hearing the news about her working with us, I just decided to make Casey feel welcomed by partying tonight at mom's bar place where she works at but something is telling me that Hannah & Casey need to start working things out after years of not being anywhere near the bar not even once. I walked over to the kitchen to find Kayla so we talk after our argument this morning when Casey walked in, I felt bad for doing it in front of her so I decided to wait I was alone to talk while I was walking around looking for Kayla until I finally found her, I took a deep breath and slowly walked into the kitchen, "Hey Kay" I said "What is it, Kat? I'm busy" she asked in stern tone of voice, I never seen Kayla so serious before which actually shocked me, she was always so fun to hangout with until now something changed inside. "Whoa, I've never seen you so serious before" I said shockingly "Sorry, my budget at work has been so tight lately because of being busy at the farm with you guys, it's like no one understands my situation except for Daniella and Hannah, they've always known about how much emotions I've been getting lately but too bad Dani is out hanging out with someone she just met recently and probably won't come visit us until next weekend, she always knew when somethings off about me also including everything and anyone that surrounds the two of them, they were like a duo" she explained everything to me, I couldn't believe my own ears with the mention of Danielle & Hannah for the very first time in awhile, Hannah never was really an outgoing person to anyone except us, I started thinking could that be why Hannah have been acting weirder than usual when she sees Casey? "What do you need?" she finally asked in a sweet tone of voice, "I was wondering since Hannah and Casey won't talk to each other still maybe we could go out all together tonight and go to mom's work maybe have a girls night out" I brought up, I saw that she was thinking about it "Let's do it" I heard her say with a smile and her arms crossed, I never seen her this side of her before. I cheered, "Yay!!" I exclaimed excitedly, she laughed a little bit, "What time are we going?" she asked, I thought for a moment to see what I have to say to her, "9pm Okla Bar because it's Karaoke night for those who had signed up for it" I answered, she nodded her head for an agreement, I was so excited that we get to hangout like old times except for Abigail our youngest sibling, I literally almost forgot about that she was only a teenager, "But we can't take Abby with us though she needs to stay with someone for the night" she said "Oh right" I said rubbing my neck nervously with a nervous laugh, "Don't worry, I'm sure Casey's family is ok with me taking her there for the night" she said with a smile, I figured what she was thinking so I made a smirk on my face.

Hannah DuPont's POV
I was out doing busy work with Anna, I started pulling strings of wires to make new ones while Casey was busy trying to feed the horses with hay which was not easy for her to do, I was never the same ever since I found out she was working for us in reality but for some reason her PINK & INDIGO aura colors were stronger than before but there another choice that was something less different from before until now, I started feeling anxious almost wanting to pass out, I exhaled from my mouth to feel less anxious. "Hannah?" I got tensed a little bit when I heard a voice questioned from behind me but something about this one was more...calming, I never felt anything like any other colors before but almost feels like a SLIVER aura, I never knew what it was about or looked into it, I couldn't stand the PINK & INDIGO mix together to get my attention, I sighed realizing that was going to become cold to this person, I didn't bare to see who it is because I was so busy, "Sorry, we don't let customers come over here and the farm is off limits until spring or fall" I said coldly "Is that anyway to talk about your old best friend from west side of Oklahoma City of Maryland Heights including going to school together?" they said from behind, old friend what was he on about? "Ok, who are you and what are you talking about?" I turned to see who was talking to me that was when I knew, my jaw opened to see it was only someone who I hadn't seen in years, he had a shirt full of camo along with a hat with a shaved brown beard with black hair, I never seen anything like it before, "Jake" I was surprised to see him after years of my childhood, "Jake Thompson" I finished his full name, he winked at me and made a wave at me, "Howdy Partner" he said soon after making eye contact we were interrupted by an annoying voice, "Hey Hann, do you wan...oh my god Jake" they said, I saw it was only Katy my sister. I saw that she had ran up to him to give him a big hug, "Hey Kat" Jake smiled at her, I saw that her aura color changed from RED to ORANGE, wow I guess that's different. "How are you? I haven't seen you in so long after we moved" I heard Katy ask him with a smile on her face, what the heck was she on? I never seen her this nice, "I'm doing good, how are you?" he asked smiling back at Katy, I rolled my eyes which got Anna to huff annoyed like I was, I looked at her in shock with my jaw opened knowing she had read my mind, how'd she know I was getting annoyed by the two of them? Jake & Katy looked at the two of us, "Oh right sorry. I forgot about you two" I heard her say to the two of us, I rolled my eyes annoyed, "I came to ask if you wanted to party tonight. I already talked to Kay about it, she's in so my basic question is: would you like to come along? Its just a girls night off tonight after along week of work" she asked looking at me waiting patiently for my answer, I thought about it and decided to say something, "Sure, let's do it" I reluctantly agreed to go "Great!" she said excitedly "We leave here at 9pm to go to Okla Bar because it's Karaoke night for those who had signed up for it" she reminded me "If you want you can come to Jake if you'd like" she said, I saw that he had smiled at her lovingly knowing that he would accept the offer, "I would love too, thanks Kat" he said smiling at her but something was off about him that I've never seen before or accept anything plus join with us, what was he up too? "Anyway, I gotta go. I'll see you folks later tonight, I guess" he said knowing that he was acting suspicious, I made a quick look at him one last time before leaving to get on some horse, I shrugged the feeling off my mind to go back to focus on my chore, he was just probably being Jake always wanting to go get drunk to get with girls because of being single for the past three years. I saw that Katy would not stop looking at him ever since he left to go back home, I saw that her aura color changed again but this time to PINK, wait is she falling for my best friend? I just ignored it and spent my time finishing the broken wire to put a new one on as soon as I got done with it, I tied it up real good so it won't fall again like last time. "I gotta go help Casey" she waved goodbye and went over to help Casey, I nodded my head letting her go as soon as she left, Anna huffed ignorantly, "What, Anna?" I asked, Anna gave me the look of annoyance, "Ok fine, you're right. I shouldn't be cold to anyone when they try talking to me" I admitted, Anna neighed happily knowing that what she wanted to hear, "Oh is that it? You want me to get with Casey" I argued, Anna snickered, "Shut Up!" I said aggressively "We're never gonna be a couple, do you want me hurt again?" I asked, Anna huffed confused trying to support me and my choices but that was when I knew she was right, "Oh no, you're right but I can't risk getting hurt again because of this situation I'm in right now, Jake my past crush. Casey my childhood best friend, I don't know anymore" I facepalmed myself on the face, Anna supported me by moving my hand over her head, Anna understood all my feelings and emotions more than the last horse I've had since I was a teenager. I was devastated when my other horse moved away from the farm because my grandparents couldn't take care of him for some reason but they managed to make a right choice for now. "Welp, I'm done here. You ready to go back home or do we need to go someplace else?" I asked, Anna huffed for a moment that's when I realized she wanted to go ride around the house with me, I smiled at her and agreed with her, I hopped on Anna's back so they could ride around, "Hiyah!" I exclaimed letting her know I was ready to go for a ride around, Anna neighed and started running excitedly around the house, I felt eyes looking at me but I ignored it and focused on Anna.

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