Chapter 1

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Hannah DuPont's POV
I was raised in a small town at Riverside, Oklahoma City where all county residents lived especially us DuPonts, we lived in Oklahoma City for about 9 years before moving here with my grandparents Mamaw & Papi, they needed our support and assistance in order to keep the farm to themselves more like ourselves, they were going to want me to have it one day if I ever get married but for me I've never been able to focus financially on my loan or allowance or find a relationship because I've never had my own things to worry about establishment of benefits for working in the fields and farm, I've always been focused on my own business plus interest, I just want to live a life where it doesn't involve any relationships including responsibilities at the farm from the beginning of my childhood, I had this girl who was my best friend from when we were younger, my mom and dad found it weird when I was younger when I got close with her, they had to separate us for our own personal business but I wanted to begin my journey after thinking about it to myself, my thoughts were completely ruined by an annoying voice, "Hannah, it's time for work!" it was one of my sisters, I facepalmed myself on the forehead feeling annoyed by her, "Yeah, Yeah. I'm coming hold your your horses!" I hollered at her knowing she would shut up about reminding me. "I got it now hurry up, I need to get into the bathroom before working" she told me, I started realizing this entire time I was definitely in the bathroom so I panicked frantically, "Coming!" I told her "Just give me a minute!" but all I could hear was a sigh of agitated, I stopped doing what I was doing, I grabbed the door knob to open the door out of the bathroom, "About damn time, what was taking you so long in there?" my sister asked very annoyed with me "Sorry, I just thought about somebody" I said "Let me guess...Casey" she said teasingly all I could do is stomp my foot angrily, "Shut up, Katy!" I snapped "It's not like you've ever thought of Carter the blue back when we were in Kentucky that way I'm thinking about Casey" I remarked, Katy looks at me like she's seen a ghost with her jaw opened, "Wha-I never t-think about him like that" she looks at me nervously knowing that I was right, she saw that I was giving an evil smirk whenever she was in my face, "S-Shut Up" she stuttered and pushed me away from the bathroom then slammed it right into my face, geez I was only joking, what was her problem? I sighed and decided to walk downstairs to make some food before heading out to the farm to work that was until someone was already in the kitchen before me, "Hey Kayla" I said, Kayla turned over to me with a slight wave, "Hey" she said, Kayla was the oldest sister and Katy was the second oldest sister, "I heard yelling upstairs, is everything ok?" she asked curiously, I hesitated for a minute until I heard my most obvious response, "We had a fight that's all to see who's right and wrong" it was obviously Katy, "Again!" Kayla raised her voice, Katy grabbed her soda pop from the fridge, Katie faced palmed herself in the face feeling very annoyed by her two sisters, "Why can't you both get along together like sisters?" Kayla asked, I rolled my eyes annoyed, "It's not like we're going back to when we were kids" I remarked, Katy looks at me angrily, "Okay enough out of both of you" Kayla butted in, I for one would never get along with Katy but I was always glad Kayla was there by my side when I needed her because she was the only one who knows about my biggest secret, "Please tell me you didn't lock yourself up in the bathroom again that made both of you get into a fight by thinking about Casey again?" Kayla asked with her arms crossed, I rubbed my neck nervously, Kayla facepalmed herself in the face, "I can't help it! I miss her like crazy but she doesn't know how I feel right now" I explained everything to her freaking out about how much I care about her, I never noticed any difference between my siblings and I even though we're different people, Kayla knew how much I loved her back in the day when I was younger, she'd always asked me questions, "Why don't you just go see her?" Kayla asked "We broke contact after 2 years of moving out Kentucky because she was busy doing stuff like working and everything" I told her "WHATTT!?" Kayla yelled where everyone could hear, I never noticed how freaked out she sounded when she heard me say something, "You should talk to her again because it's been over two years, I'm sure she'll understand you've been busy" Kayla assured me before saying something our house phone rang loudly blaring into my ears almost bleeding, "I'll get it!" she hollered at us, I grabbed my food that she made for breakfast and left the kitchen so she could get the phone, "Hello..." I heard her say from a distance so I could go outside but as soon as I reached for the door I noticed someone standing outside of the house like as if they were waiting on somebody, "OH SHOOT!?" I heard my sister Kayla yell from the kitchen, who was she on the phone with? "Was that today?" she asks through the phone surprisingly, I heard her voice almost tears of happiness, what was going on? "Thanks for the reminder Mr. Roberts" she said still on the phone, Mr. Roberts as in Casey Robert's father who was living at southern Oklahoma City? I stood there shocked after hearing their conversation, what the heck was happening today, are we losing our farm? I sighed anxiously slightly freaked out.

Kayla DuPont's POV
I can't believe I forgot today was the day for Casey to start working for us after school came out for Hannah and her, I hope she's going to be excited to see her as much as I am. "Hannah!" I called out to one of my sisters from the kitchen, "Where'd you go? I have some news to share and tell, come back to the kitchen" I call out again, I saw that she had walked back into the kitchen to see what she wanted from me, "Yes?" she said with her arms crossed, how am I supposed to break the news to her? "Kayla" she calls my name, I never expected much more from her better than she was her kid self but now it's finally time to start fresh, "You ok? You look like you've seen a ghost" she asked worriedly, shoot did I really just zone out after thinking about the two of them? "Sorry. I zoned out for a bit" I apologized rubbing my neck nervously, I didn't know how she would react and feel about Casey after breaking contact for years of being graduated from high school, "You said you needed to see me" she said annoyed by me also slightly angry, oh crap how will I break it to her? I can't imagine how broken she must've been feeling for years, I sighed I guess it'll wait until she's figures it out. I noticed how annoyed she was even more by the minute I keep giving her the silent treatment. "Earth to Kayla!" she raises her voice to snap me out of it, I started getting startled by her tone of voice, "Sorry" I said softly "Of course you are, what do you need? You do this all the time when you need me for a chat" she asked annoyed, I started getting angry with her for saying harsh words, I decided to wait until she figures it out, "Nevermind, I wanted to tell you don't forget to feed the animals" I lied to her to see if she'll fall for it, she looked at me like she was studying me to make sure I wasn't lying but lucky for her I was actually a good actress for her to show any aura around me, I was never the truthful person that I was once before from when she was a kid, I gave myself an evil smirk to see what her intentions would do to infect or influence me by the minute. "Whatever" she said rolling her eyes annoyed by me, I gave myself a cheer for a well done, this is going to be the best weekend ever more like fall, winter, spring, autumn and of course summer, I can't wait to see what happens next between the two girls this year and years after. I grabbed something to eat and drink from the fridge because I noticed that Hannah had already taken my food before starting her day of workday today, I can't wait to see the look on Hannah's face when she sees Casey, I cackled to myself.

Hannah DuPont's POV
Okay weird I've never seen Kayla act like that before to me I was heading my way to the doorway to start my day with helping my horse and feeding my families animals before walking out the door as I reached for the door I noticed someone standing outside of the house still waiting patiently, I noticed it was a girl standing outside of the truck, I had ignored her and headed to a different direction to ignore her so I could get to the farm but it wasn't easy unfortunately that was when she noticed me somehow and had already spotted me, "Excuse me?" I heard her call out to me, why did it sound so familiar to me? I reluctantly sighed and turned around to see who it was from that moment on it washed me off through my mind knowing that she was definitely look so familiar but different she had dark auburn brown hair with a blue flannel blouse with a white tank top underneath her flannel along with cowgirl jeans and boots hands in pockets, who was this woman? "Long time, no see. Hannah" she says, wait don't tell me it's...I looked very closely at her started realizing it was oh my god, "Casey Roberts!" I said her name out loud and very surprised to her by the farm.

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