Chapter 4

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A Few Minutes Earlier
Lianne's POV
I was just minding my own business talking to my mysterious admirer, his name was John, he was only 27 years old. He kept telling me about his business when I kept telling him I wasn't interested in having anything with anybody except one person, I've kept on thinking about her which was Hannah DuPont, I just kept feeling like he was trying to get onto me, he keeps giving me flirty vibes trying to hookup with me saying that I should go home with him, I know I wasn't the same person back in high school but somehow something clicked with my memories 2 years later based on what happened back then while he was trying to talk me into going back of the room, he kept telling me over and over, I tried my hardest to act like I was impressed with his ability until I saw something that shook me out of it, I saw two people slow dancing with one another one had blonde hair and the other person had brown hair, I noticed it was both Hannah & Casey, what were they doing at a bar in public? "Sweetheart?" a deep voice called to me in confusion, I finally made contact with him, "I'm sorry, what were you trying to say to me?" I asked "What were you looking at just now?" he asked "Nothing look I gotta go now take care" I replied patting him on the chest and walked past him. I just wanted to stay away from him before he was going to make a move on me trying to do me, I stated that I needed to go so I can see Hannah again after 2 years of not seeing her again, I pushed them away from each others arms, "Hey!" I heard her speak by raising her voice except for Casey, she just looked at me like I was some kind of ghost to her, "Long time no see, friend" I said refreshing her memory, she looked at up at me, I noticed her breathing was unsteady as if she was having a panic attack like I was inside of her head like she's seen me before, "L-Lianne" I was surprised when I saw her face remembering who I was.

Hannah DuPont's POV
My breathing was unsteady after seeing someone interrupting my momentum with Casey, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw Lianne standing in front of me and Casey standing in middle of the dance floor until I got interrupted by her, "You've haven't changed a thing since you left us without any warnings then all of sudden you came back to Oklahoma City from Kentucky two years later" she smirked, I saw the look on her lips as if she was wanting to downplay me by running down, "How about you mind your own business to yourself" I heard Casey butting into our conversation giving her a death stare, I saw that she was trying not to get jealous by her, "Aww, how sweet darling. What are you her protector now?" she asked, I saw that she was getting very angry with her, "What do you want, Lianne?" I asked standing up to her, "I wanted to know if you wanted to hangout with me tomorrow morning? I can take you anywhere you want if you'd like or interested in going if you like" she answered, I felt a face full of anger from behind me, I noticed it because everything was glowing RED from our faces, no it couldn't be from Casey. "Hannah?" I heard Lianne call out to me, I made eye contact with her, I hesitated to speak, "I can't, I'm sorry" I said running out of the bar, I stepped outside to get some fresh air, I made my way to sit on the bench, I heard footsteps approached to me, "What are you doing out here alone, sweetie?" a deep voice asked, I looked up at voice who was talking to but didn't sense anything from her empathy for now, "Why don't you come with me? I'll give you a ride home" he said, I started to have a slight sense of feeling of a different kind of emotion that I've never seen before in my entire life, I got up and started walking over toward him, "Leave her alone!" I heard a voice and saw that they shoved him away from me, I saw it was only as girl with brown hair with blue tips on her bangs with blonde on the bottom, "Sienna" I thought to myself out loud as soon as I recognize her from my childhood when she was only 10 years old and I was 9 years old, "Listen here sir, leave her alone or otherwise you life will be miserable because of me with a bruised face" she said immediately before she was about to hurt the man with her own two fists, "You psychotic woman, you'll pay for that" he said angrily almost about to tackle her, I saw that she grabbed something from the back of her pocket until someone came running towards us unexpectedly, "I wouldn't do that if I were you" I turned around to see it was only Casey, he looked over at the girl, "What are you going to do about it, princess?" he scoffed "Stick around and find out for yourself" she smirks at him, I saw that she had grabbed the knife from the side of the pocket, he gasped and backed away from her, what the heck was she doing? "Now get out or I'll kill you and call the ambulance tell them I found you on the ground" she said in a fierce tone of voice, he started running away from us, I saw that she had turned around to look at me with a stern and furious expression look on her face knowing I was in trouble for putting myself in danger, I rubbed my arm nervously, "What the heck were you thinking?" she snapped at me, I looked down nervously, I felt anger towards her eyes, "I'm sorry, I jus-" I was interrupted by her with Sienna standing next to me giving her a death glare with her arms crossed, "I don't want to hear any excuses or explanation" she said "I'm sorry" I said shyly "It doesn't matter anymore, you could've died!" she snapped, I looked at her and noticed so much anger within her eyes, "What are you talking about? I was perfectly capable of talking care of myself without having a bodyguard 24/7 every single day!" I snapped back, I noticed how much Sienna was hearing after hearing me about what comes out of my chest, "What the heck is your problem? I just saved you're butt" she asked "My Problem? Now you care about my problem" I argued "I've always cared about you" she said, I looked at her in concern, she sighed, "I just didn't want to see you hurt like I was, okay" she admitted, I furrowed my brows, "That guy could've killed you, I know you think your tough but you're only 20 years old" she argued "I'm 23 years old!" I snapped, she looked at me like she saw something different about me that was when I heard someone come outside of the bar, "Hey guys what's goin-" I saw it was only Kayla & Katy walking outside until we all heard Casey scoff at me. "Wow, what a way to treat your old friend including pushing them away for two years" she said, I looked at her noticed the hurt in her eyes tears threatening to fall down. I saw BLUE, YELLOW & RED aura coming out of her, I couldn't believe it she was crying.

Casey Roberts' POV
I felt my tears in my eyes threatening to come out of my face, "Ever since I came here you've been nothing but cold, what did I do to you?" I asked "You really want to know right now" she asked "Yes. I really want to know, why you've been so cold to me?" I asked, she sighed in frustration, "Because you broke my heart!" she raised her voice at me, I was left in shock when she said something to me in front of everyone, "I missed you, okay and you broke my heart" she finished the rest of the sentence, she missed me? I looked at her like I've seen a ghost. Katy & Kayla were left in shock as well but never noticed how hurt she was in when they heard their sister admitting her problems and feelings to me about why she was so cold to me when I first arrived at their farm, she never been serious about everything that had happened in her lifetime, "You left me alone for two years, Hannah. How do you expect me to feel about you?" I asked her sternly, why the heck would I say that to her? I used my palm to use it for my face, I saw the picture of the whole thing in my mind when she first looked at me when I arrived, I saw that she looked at me so pained that she didn't even make me feel welcomed. I looked at Kayla noticed that she wasn't even going to say anything just letting us speak on our own, she scoffed and left us alone but purposely bumping into my shoulder slightly pushing me away to get out of her, I didn't even know what to say to her, my eyes started to water after seeing her leave, I turned to look at her watching her leave, I saw that Katy & Kayla were going after her, I hated standing around to watch her leave, I could've said something.

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