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Minji's POV


"Uggh" Minji groaned getting out of bed because she knew it would be another day at school being scrutinised.

See, ever since Minji was 14 she has been a out and proud lesbian, she has always been totally grossed out by boys and she was attracted to girls plain and simple but not for the 3 girls at st Luke's academy everyday they tease and bully Minji just because of her sexuality.

Fucked up right?

The three girls purely ruled the school being drop dead gorgeous and being rich little daddy's girls.

The three girls are..

3) Haerin - she's not your typical Einstein and she's quite slow with things but all is forgotten with her flirtatious charms.

2) Danielle- Your typical bad ass who can take care of herself and takes no bullshit from anyone yet still gets a lot of boys.


1) Hanni- The prettiest sweetest richest girl at their school and the only way you get little miss butter wouldn't melts sweetness is if your a teacher or a boy. Hanni had tormented Minji since she was 14 when she just came out and now there 17 and it's still going on.

After Minji was up and dressed she said goodbye to her parents and headed to pick up her best friend Hyein the only person who didn't judge her! In her black Mercedes which she got for her sweet sixteen.

Once outside Hyein's house Minji beeped and soon after Hyein was in the car "hey girl" she smiled as I started driving "hey what's up"I asked with a raised eyebrow "what you mean?"she asked smiling "your very perky?"I asked curious.

"Well Mimi there's this party tonight it's on Felix's boat  and Hyunjin asked us to go please Mimi pleeassse" she begged, see Hyunjin is Hyein's boyfriend and Felix, his best friend who is also Haerin's twin.

"I don't know" I said nervously " give me one good reason why you shouldn't go?"she asked "well Hanni will be there"I told her confidently while pulling up in the school parking lot.

" So your going to live under a rock because little miss bow is a fucking homophobe? nuh-huh not my best friend we're going! we can get changed at my house after school then leave from there" she told me getting out if the car.

Looks like I'm going to a party..

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