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Hanni's POV

It was just going on to second period when Haerin ran up to me "party tonight Nini! On my yacht!" She squealed excited "cool what time shall I be there" I giggled "6:30 don't be Late because shit sets sail at 7:00" she told me pretending to be a sailer that girl is so clueless.

Nini? I found that nickname really cute.

Just then Danielle walked up to us "you going to the party gurl?" She asked "of course wouldn't miss it!"I smiled "good a-ugh look what just turned the corner" Danielle cut her self of with a disgusted look.

I turned my head to see Minji and that girl Hyein laughing at something until Minji looked up and locked eyes with me and then went to turn until her friend Hyein grabbed her arm and pulled her closer to us.

"Hey potato"Danielle shouted "yeah hey potato"Haerin said coping Danielle's actions "why you so smiley?"I asked with a smirked "I wasn't"she explained quickly.

"We'll usually when people are laughing there's something to it so share the joke" I asked getting braver
She began to walk away when I grabbed her arm.

"I asked you a question migee"I spat and she pulled her arm a way getting braver "well I don't have one nor would I give you one"she answered back braver god Minji why do this?
"Tut-tut wrong answer" and with that I slapped her hard at that while Danielle and Haerin laughed Hyein ran to Minji and walked her to the bathroom.

While walking in she turned back and looked me dead in the eye with a glare of hate pure hatred which made me feel guilty but I let it slide.

Why should I care no!why would I care?

Once school had ended I went home got showered and changed for this awesome party coming up I was wearing quite a short dress with a black bow. usually on boat party's we go swimming so I wore a bikini under Neath. at 6:15. Hansol picked me up.

Hansol is my boyfriend guess what sport it plays? Nope not football
Or hockey he's the captain of the baseball and basketball teams.

"Hey babe"he greeted me with a long sloppy kiss while grabbing my ass earning a giggle from me. I love it when he does that "hey"

"So glad there's a party tonight I can't wait"he grinned while practically speeding "yeah me neither" I smiled a few minutes later and we pulled up at the docks.

I'm going to find The girls" I told Hansol "okay see you later" he smiled while kissing my cheek with that he walked away time to find the girls.

Minji's POV

Once that awful day of school was over, me and Hyein went back to her house to get ready.

Like who does Hanni think she is going about and slapping people, Karmas going to come back and slap her about that's for sure!! here's hoping.

While Hyein wore a short sparkly red dress, I wore a longer blue one with a cardigan "hey your not taking that horrid backpack?" Hyein asks as I roll my eyes.

Okay I'm your sort of goody goody I like to be organised and equipped so I bring a back pack full of stuff I might need like water incase I'm thirsty or cereal bars for hunger and I always carry oranges with me I always have a crave for them.

"Yea I am!" I told Hyein "fine but if you get made fun of cause- I already get made fun of"I cut Hyein off "so tell me again why we have to wear bikinis?" I asked

"Well Hyunjin said that people swim at these things and just incase let's be prepared!" She smiled "oh so you're allowed to be prepared for swimming with boys but I can't be prepared for starvation!"I asked deadly serious.

"Just grab your bag and let's go or we'll be late"she told me rushing me and there we set of for a party little did I know would change my life.

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