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What do you know about peace?

A bird out of reach. Occasionally
it will dip down and glide
just above the full extension of my arm,
skimming across the tips of my fingers.
I catch a brush
if its underbelly, electrifying
my nerves and blood stream

with an abrupt calm
that causes the hairs on my arm to stand vertical and
for a heartbeat
I am still;
just as abruptly as it came,
it fades away like a waxing moon,
like a match burning once before it dies.

Have you ever bitten into a whole mango?

Ripe, sweet; your teeth sink
into its juicy flesh
and it drips down your chin;
its cool stickiness must be slurped up.
You close your eyes to savor the moment,
swallow slowly to enjoy the sweet taste.

Do you think it is worth the time?
Worth the cost?
No one is watching, it is only you,
no pictures, no people, it is only you and the mango
and if you spend the money and make the time
and reach high enough,

I think that you can find peace.

mango summer sunset | | august poems (2023)Where stories live. Discover now