This Guilt of Life

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For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing,
whether good or evil.
-Ecclesiastes 12:14

"What if I went to the Captain
and handed him this piece of paper?"
you interrogated him.
"What would it say?"

He avoided eye contact,
told you that he was sick
and needed to
throw up,
that standing in the rain so long
wasn't good for his lungs.

I think you suggested that he go home,
but with a red glitter
in his eyes he told you
that his family wouldn't
recognise him anymore.

You asked:
"If life is just
a murderous howling
behind your ear,
what then?"

He momentarily flinched
at your words,
his eyes began to wander to the dirt;
a fascinating distraction to
this guilt of life.

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