Sunset in an Abandoned Field

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The tips of his beard aglow in the colors of the sunset;
the tiger orange sky reflecting in the blue of her eyes.
"Bye sun," my brother says,
as the sun ducks the sky
and the city lights rouse.
Prickly grass and dirt crunch under our shoes—
falling in irregular cadence,
dirty from the dust of the path.
The four of us find a bucket and she sits on it;
we collectively watch as the orange in the sky
trickles into black;
a Red Dragonfly
floats above the tops of the grass.
Did you know I see dragonflies all the time now?
Not just red, but orange, green, black and yellow.

It's pretty incredible, isn't it?
This world that you and I have come to know?
I've been thinking—
can nothing matter and everything matter
Can the sun set and rise
at the same time?

mango summer sunset | | august poems (2023)Where stories live. Discover now