》jamil and yuu ii.

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it's been days, maybe a few weeks since yume has been quarantined. and since, no one but divus could see them.

"it will be too much for them. wait until they are okay and i'll inform you." is what he said.

it took a lot of patience but finally, jamil gets to see them. he brought some snacks and little gifts that reminded him of yume.

"remember viper... inside voice and think before you speak." divus reminds him. jamil nodded.

he quietly, but quickly went through the door and the sight divested him.

yume, sat up from bed, looking down at their hands with dull and empty eyes.

"yuu..." saying that felt foreign to him as he was used to saying "perfect" but he knows that he can't use it anymore.

yume didn't respond but jamil can see that they shift their eyes to see him.

he gently set the basket next to them as he grab a chair and sat next to them.

"can I touch you? is that okay?"

yume didn't respond but slightly nodded. jamil took a deep breathe and gently held their hand.

"i'm... sorry..." yume broke the silence. jamil looked up at them, shaking his head.

"no... no no no..." he shook even more as his voice wavier. "you don't need to apologize to me. ever."

"nobody cares about me—"

"i care." for the first time, yume look up and look at jamil in the eye.

"I care about you, yuu. believe or not, everyone does. not out of pity, but because i— we all generally realized how much pain you went through and want to help you." he squeezes their hand.

"i'm... just so tired... all the time... of everything..."

"i know."

"i want to see him one more time..."

"i know."

"i just..."

yume's voice starts to wobble as tears comes to their eyes. "yuu... is it alright for me to hug you."

yume didn't reply and just immediately hug him and silently sobbed.

"shh... shh... you're okay now... you'll be alright..."

jamil continued to comfort yume until they fell asleep but even though, he held them the entire time.

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