Chapter 4

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Belle's Pov

"I've already sent it to him " I said to Denise

"I've not even done mine " she said whining and I laughed

We were currently talking about an assignment our professor gave to us

We are not even two weeks in yet and we already have 2 assignments

Can we liveeee??

"And you know we have another one pending also ,like can we actually live ??"

"I'll try to complete the first one tonight , I only have few hours left "

"Okay girl talk to you later...if you need any help just send me a text "

"Okay babe bye " and she hung up

I'm eating breakfast right now before I leave for work

Anthony went back yesterday because he had an emergency , he promised he will come back

Before he left he gave me a white handkerchief with my name writing at the bottom corner in small fonts

I am always with that white handkerchief

It's the little things that matter

I already miss him...

Today my mood is off because I miss mum

I miss her so much and I probably will all my life , so happy I spent my best days with her

The grief is real

I never knew grief until I lost my mum , a big part of my life

It never really ends , you just learn to live with it and that is the sad part

Sometimes I sit up in the dark thinking how life would've been if he didn't pull that trigger

If mum ran away with us , life would've been so much better

Losing a loved one is part of life but it hurts a lot

I don't wish that pain on anyone

I wiped my tears before I went into my room to take my bag but before leaving I looked at myself in the mirror

"I'm beautiful , I'm strong , I'm enough , I have all that it takes "

I said my daily affirmation , we should learn to love the parts of ourselves that seem unlovable even though it's the hardest thing to do

It's called a journey for a reason

And I drove to Starbucks to get my favorite drink

You know the drill....

I used my old car today , I don't know why but I just felt like

I'm contemplating between selling it and keeping it , I don't know sigh

I'm sometimes so indecisive...

After 30 minutes I was reached my workplace and I parked my car and came down

I wore jeans today and my ass is assing , I got it from my mama

And I smiled this time thinking about her again

I went in to see Millicent on her phone , she's addicted to that shit

As if you're not

Oh am I?

"Omg you wore jeans today , you have sexy curves omg , bro why don't you wear jeans often and dayum your ass is the shit " she said as soon as she set eyes on me

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