Chapter 25

426 16 5

Belle's Pov

*ping ping *

*ping ping *


*ping ping *

Who the fuck comes to someone's house this don't you sleep

*ping ping*

So I really have to get up , ugh

*ping ping *

Can I live geez. I got up and went into the bathroom

I look like shit , I would've scared the shit out of that person

I quickly brushed my teeth and untangled my hair before going outside

I opened the door to see a delivery man holding fresh tulips

"Good morning ma'am , this is for you " I took the flowers

Omg who sent this

It's so cute and fresh

Fresh morning flowers ...ouuuu

"Thank you " "sign here please " and I did "have a nice day ma'am "

"You too " and he left , good thing I had fresh breath cause he would've had a bad day

I wonder who sent this

White tulips

I looked inside to see a note

"Hope this makes your morning
And I hope you feel better now amore
De Niro "

My heart

My God

This man never fails to put a smile on my face

He really made my morning. I feel so happy inside as if I did not cry myself to sleep last night

I went into the kitchen and took the transparent flower vase that I brought

Good thing I brought it

I put water inside and then the flowers before putting it at the corner

"Perfect " I said joining my hands together , it looks so beautiful

I went into my bathroom to get ready for work cause it's already past 7

*bing bing *

My phone vibrated "Good morning amore" his voice is something else

"Good morning , thank you for the flowers it's so beautiful "

"Not more than you though " and I blushed "how are you feeling now "

"A lot better now " but he did not say anything I know he knows I'm lying but he does not want to cross boundaries

"I hope so amore , so what are you doing later tonight "

"After work , I have something to do but after that nothing " I said twirling my hair smiling

"Have dinner with me "


"Why " I said teasing him

"Because I want to spoil you and see you and you love exploring new places so I want to explore it with you"

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