Chapter 68

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Alessandro's Pov

I stared at my precious  girl sleeping.

She looked so innocent , like she has not been touched by the world.

The girl who I'd do anything for , all she has to do is ask.

Her wish is my command.

My ray of sunshine , my light at the end of the tunnel.

The girl who taught me how to love again and that I can be loved.

If the whole world is noisy , she's my safe space.

The only place I'd rather be.

She's the only person who gets me fired up , and the only person who can calm my nerves down.

My Precious girl.

She hugged the pillow , she probably thinks it's me.

I have her a sleeping pill last night because I don't want her to follow us today.

I know she can protect herself but I'd prefer she stays at home.

She's more safer here on our bed sleeping.

By the time she gets up we are back , if everything goes as planned.

I already made her breakfast, so all she needs to do is shower and eat.

I'd do anything to make life easy for her. She has been through a lot already.

All she has to do is exist and look sexy   , I'd do the rest.

I stared at her one last time , I don't want to do leave her but I have to.

Duty calls.

I went downstairs and saw the idiot I call my brother eating

"I hope you're not eating the food I cooked for my girl "

And he looked at me disgusted "can I breathe , "my girl , amore , my princess " can I live ?!?!"

"I asked you a question "

"No my love , I'm not eating your good . I made this myself "

"You're going to save your sister and you're eating , you'll look like a pig today and don't ever call me love , I'm straight and so in love with my girl " I said glaring at him

"Whatever " he rolled his eyes and continued eating

"And hurry up , everyday food food food I wonder where it goes to "

"My dick baby my dick " he said wiggling his eyebrows

Lord save me.

"Ew" I said and left him there and I went into the car

Dad is with the men and unfortunately I'm stuck with that goat

After a century he finally came outside.

"Don't say anything , just drive " I stared at him and he had a drink with a straw.

Mama are you sure this one is part of our family ?


I held my fully loaded gun and Lorenzo did the same.

His countenance has completely changed.

He's ready to kill.

"I know I look sexy , focus brother " he said with a straight face

Even in a situation like this , this man has something to say.

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