Chapter 63

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Belle's Pov

"Isabella " Alessandro yelled her name and followed her upstairs

I did the same too just to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid

Isabella was fast but Alessandro was faster

Before she was able to hold her doorknob Alessandro grabbed her hand

"Let go of me " she snapped.

She stared at him with bloodshot eyes.

"Stop behaving like a fucking kid and get a hold of yourself "

"If you guys treated me like an adult I wouldn't behave like a kid " she fired back

"Well an adult would not behave like this "

"Let go of my hand Alessandro "

"No, you're coming with me"

"I'm not going anywhere "

"I said you're coming with me " he said in his thunderous voice

"I said I'm not going anywhere " she talked back.

But we all know who she got that from.

"I will drag you out if you push me. "

"Alessandro I-i trusted you " she said breaking down.

"That's why i did what I do , I was and I am still looking out for you like any brother would "

And she shook her head "no no , that's not what brothers do. They look out for their sisters and protect them the right way , not like this. They guide their sisters. They would do a-anything to make their sisters happy Alessandro "


"All my life I've looked up to you , you were like a role model to me, even though I've always annoyed you and was always mean to you , you were like my best friend Alessandro

I always trusted you blindly to do the right thing...any time something happened to me , the first person I thought about calling was you , I always had this at the back of my mind that if I call Alessandro he won't judge me , he'll just help me figure it out and you always did

I trusted you to do the right thing again this time , I trusted my best frown to do the right thing but the only person I trusted with my happiness failed me , the person who I looked up to let me down , the person who promised me that'll be so anything to secure my happiness, to make sure his little princess is good did everything within his power to destroy my happiness , to take it away even though I begged him not to , cried and cried but he let his ego , his anger get the best of him, if I were in your shoes I would do anything within my power to see my brother happy "

"Isa" Alessandro whispered and I could here the hurt in his voice

"I do not ever want to see you again , don't ever get close to me , don't ever talk to me and if just if pa sends me away tomorrow , today will be the last day you'll ever see me for the rest of your life. Don't ever show your face to me again" and before I cold blink she went in and shut the door.

He was in shock.

Absolute shock.

He leaned on the wall and stared at the ceiling with his shoulder slumped

I looked at him disappointed

I trusted to do right by his sister.

I'm so angry and sad right now , I feel so bad for isa

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