first day /chp.1\

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/shino's pov\

'the school should already have everything' I say checking my phone 'guess it's time to head out'

I walked over to the bus stop and waited for the bus to come. I was on my way to monarch academy

I had passed the test to get into the school, I wonder if everyone else on my team passed

Soon the bus came and I got on 'dorm 8' I was reading over the email the school had sent

Funny enough I know the principal. well I had talked to him once before as a kid, kinda the reason I had the idea of coming to the school

Soon I had made it and looked for the dorm 'dome 8, Shino, Rikku and Shizu'

I took out my key that the school gave everyone for their domes and went in

"You are really nice" says the blonde one at the table

"Aw thank you" says the one with Brown hair that splits into red and blue

"Uh- hello?" I say and wave to them

"O-oh! Hello" says the blonde one "guess your Shino"

"Yes I am and you two are?" I asked for their names

"Oh! I'm Shizu" says the brown haired one

"So then your Rikku" I pointed at the blonde one

They nodded "yup I am Rikky, she/her!"

I smiled "well it's lovely to meet you two"

"Guessing your room was the yellow one downstairs" says Shizu

"Yeah, I picked the smaller room" I say

They nodded "I noticed when I came in, since all of our stuff was sent here a week ago"

Rikku nodded "yeah, I love how my room is"

"Guessing everything is set up" I say

"Yup" says Shizu "everything is unpacked"

"What time do we head over to class?" Asked Rikku

"In a couple of minutes" I say

"Should we head over? Should look for our class since we don't know fully where it is" says Shizu

"Sure" I say

"O-okay!" Said Rikku

The two got off their seats and we left the dorm

"The dorm did look nice" I say

And the two nodded "we should have waited for you to see your room" says Shizu

"Eh it's fine" I say


Soon the bell had rung for class to start but the teacher hasn't come in yet

"Did he get lost?" A boy with headphones looked around

"I have no clue" had a person with pink hair

Soon we saw a rope, most likely a grappling hook

"Uh-" Rikku looked around confused

Then someone came smashing through the window

"Hello class! I am Avain, your teacher" he says

I didn't know what to say, no one did we all just looked at the window then at him

"Well that's one way to enter the class" says Kol, I know him from the entrance exam

"I am so glad you all have joined the school" says Avain "as you all know you are all here to learn how to hunt monsters"

"I mean that's why we came into the school" says Blake who I knew from middle school

"Yes you all have come to this school to become monster hunters and save the world" Says Avain "this is the class you will be learning about it, though you still have other classes which are your regular classes"

"Which are boring" says someone with a red jacket

"Yeah... Still need to pass them" says Avain "now I will have you all one by one come up in front and introduce yourselves"

I sighed 'I knew this was coming....'

Avain started to call on us one by one to introduce ourselves

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