an announcement /chp.22\

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/shino's pov\

"I wonder what this is about" I say sarcastically

"Yeah" says Rikku

"I hope this isn't anything too bad" says Jack

"It's most likely about Ronin and Artemis" says Blake

We all walked into the auditorium. Yuuto had stayed back at the dorm with Ronin and Artemis

We were standing in the about the middle of the room due to a lot of students being here

"Hello students" says Database "today's news is different then most"

Everyone in the crowd was confused and concerned

"You see I had captured two monsters and kept them hidden due to them being different and getting what I didn't before ending them" he says "though it seems that they have escaped"

"They were in the basement... locked in there's by chains and the nurse's office being locked"

"We are so done for" Jack whispered to me... I put my hand over his mouth

"These Monsters may be on school grounds or around so I wish for you all to be careful and if you find them, to get a teacher or bring them to us" he says "one you may know which was artemis"

He then sighed and said "that is all"

When we were walking out, students were whispering and making ideas

"Well shit" said Kiyo

"It's fine, I don't think they will know...well the students" I say

"The teachers know we are friends with Artemis plus having Shino asked about that before hand" says Rikku

"We need to be more on guard" says Blake

"And tell everyone" I say

"I think most of us were their but I can text the group chat" says Sapphire

"That works" sayd Jack

We all made our way out of the school bulding

"God it was cramped" sayd Blake

"Indeed" Rikky sighed

"Well guess we should get back to the dorm" says Jack "I think we can all go together since there were a lot of big groups leaving"

"Most likely to make plans to get Ronin and Artemis" says Kiyo

"So then let's get going!" Says Rikku

"Right" sayd Jack and he starts to walk

Blake grabbed his wrist "uh- Jack before that can the two of us talk really quick? Alone?"

"Uh- sure?" He asked

I looked at Blake to see her blushing a bit then to the others who would tell what this is and how it would end

"We will meet you guys there" says Jack and the two walked away

"Guess we should get going?" Asked Rikku

"Yeah, we need to make a plan" I say

Everyone had nodded "let's get going then" and we all started to walk off

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