odd feelings /chp.11\

49 4 6

/shino's pov\

"Hello?" I called out and knocked on the door

"COMING!" He shouted back

I waited a couple of minutes before the door was opened "hey" said Jack

"Hey" I said "hope this isn't a bad time"

"Nah, plus I was gonna ask someone for notes anyways" he said and moved out the way for me to come in

"Right" I walked over to the couch and put my backpack down

"So you went to cram class or something?" He asked since it was kinda late

"Yeah" I said

He nodded "the notes for class are in the bag" I say

"I'll get them after" he says "it seems like you came here for a reason"

"I...I did" I said thinking about the reason

"What's up?" He asked

"I don't know" I say

"You don't know?" He asks

"It's weird" I clarified

"Try your best to explain it" he says

"Uh- well... I get these odd feels when...I'm around someone" I say

"Odd feelings?" He asked

"Like getting nervous and my face feels all hot and I can't get him off my mind" I say

"Him?" He asked

I sighed "just... I get nervous and my body feels light?"

"Okay ignore my question" says Jake "but uh- I think you have a crush"

I cover my face with my hands "I had a feeling..."

"Couldn't hear you well" he says

I sigh and remove my hands "I had a feeling"

"Sooooo need help getting together?" He asks

"I- huh?" I say in shock

"I mean if you like him then give a shot" he says

"There is more to it" I say

"What do you mean?" He asks

"I- uh... I don't know how to say it" I tell him

"What do you mean?" Jack asks

"I...I can't explain" I say

"Ookkkay?" He says confused "mind saying who it is so maybe I can understand"

"You still won't...but sure" I say "Its...its Artemis"

"Artemis?" He asked kinda shocked

"Yeah..." I say

"How is that a problem?" He asked

"I...I shouldn't say" I tell him

"Ah...I see" Jack says "you do you"

"Maybe one day you can know for now just know it's a complicated situation" I say to him

He nods "I guess, I still say you should try it out"

"I don't even know how he feels" I say "I can't see him liking me"

"How come?" He asked

'maybe due to the fact that I kept him stuck in my dorm, made him attend this school and we fought him the first time we met' I sighed "we had some problems when we first met"

"Then talk it out?" Jack suggested

"I will try, just don't tell anyone" I say

"I won't" says Jack

I smiled and opened my bag grabbing my notebook "take whatever you need"

He grabbed his note book off of the coffee table and ran over to the kitchen table

"You can watch whatever" He says flipping though the pages

"Thanks" I said

I texted Shizu and Rikky letting them know I would stay over at Jack's dorm then picked up the remote and went though the movies they had here

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