questions /chp.6\

69 5 35

/Shino's pov\

"How hard did you hit him?" Davis asked Shizu

"It wasn't that hard!" Shizu said in defense

We were all awake, it was around 6:00. We called Davis and Kat over to help

"I mean he could have been tired?" Rikku suggested

"I mean that is true but shouldn't we get a teacher?" Asked Kat

"Most likely" I say

"Or we can handle it ourselves to prove how well we are doing" says Rikku

"You're scared to ask aren't you?" I asked Rilku who nodded her head

"Mhm" the monster started to wake up

"Alright back up" I say to Shizu "and put the pan down"

Me, Rikku and Shizu were against the Tv while Kat and Davis were closer to the couch side/kitchen

Slowly the creature lifted himself up into a sitting position. He looked at us then he was in shock looking at all of us

"Uh...oh no" the creature

"Listen we have questions" I say with Rilku nodding

"Uh huh" said the monster still in shock

"What is your name?" Shizu asked him

"Uh- Artemis" he introduced himself

Rilku took out a notepad "monsters...have..names"

Artemis looked her up and down confused

I sighed "don't mind her"

"What are you doing here?" Asked Davis

"Yeah that is a good question" I say

"I- uh exploring?" He said nervously... It kinda sounded like a lie

I whispered to Rikku "put a question mark next to that"

She nodded and did so

"So you broke in her?" Shizu questioned him further

"I didn't know this was a home" he said

"So why didn't you leave?" I asked

"He did eat some of the chips" Rilku comments

Artemis gave a nervous smile and looked away

I sighed pinching my noise "okay...okay, anyone have anything else to add?"

"Uh- sorry for the scratch" said Artemis

"It wasn't that deep so it healed quickly" I said "so...thank you..."

"They...can...feel...bad" Rikku was writing more stuff down

"Uh..yeah? I was in a panic" he said

"Just don't mind her" I said "we haven't really seen monsters"

"Ah....right" He says "I haven't really seen many humans"

"So you don't go out often?" Asked Kat

"N-no not really" he says "ron- I just fully think it's safe"

Rikku was looking Artemis up and down then going back to her notepad, I think she was drawing him

That's when something caught her eye "your leg"

Artemis looked at his left leg "what about it?"

"It has bear treap marks on it" she pointed out "you're the one I saw!"

"H-huh?" Artemis was in shock

"Well I didn't see you but I heard you yell" she explained

"O-oh" said Artemis

"Guys can we side bar?" Shizu asked us

"Sure?" Said Davis

We all walked away into the kitchen

"What's up?" Rikku asked Shizu

"Uh- what are we going to do with him?" They asked "he doesn't really seem dangerous"

"I was going to say the same" Kat says

"I'm not sure" I say

"Until we find out...what do we do with him?" Rikku asked me

I sighed "until we have a good plan...he will stay here"

"Are you crazy?" Asked Davis

"That or tired" I say

"I mean there are enough of us to watch him" says Shizu

"So until we have a good idea of what to do we keep him here" says Rikku

"Guessing we don't tell the teachers or anyone" says Kat

I nodded "if we do let people know we will tell you"

"What if we make a group chat!" Rikku suggested

"Sure" I said

She quickly got out her phone to make one

"Just stay safe" says Davis

"We will" I say

The both of them nodded "we will let the others know you are busy today" says Kat

"Thanks" says Shizu

The two of them left and we walked back over to the couches

"Okay listen up" I say

Artemis looked away from the window

"You will be staying here until we find out what to do with you okay?" I say and he nods his head "meaning you can't leave the dorm and you're sleeping on the couch"

"Uh- t-thats fine" He says

"Good" I say

"Should we get him Better clothes?" Shizu asked

"Uh- I don't know" I say

He looks at us "I'm fine with what I have"

"Alright!" Said Shizu

"Doesn't...need...many...clothes" Rikku wrote down and I rolled my eyes

"I'm going to start cooking" I say and walk away

"We will watch him!" Says Shizu

I opened the fridge to grab some eggs so I can start making breakfast

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