ƈɦǟքȶɛʀ 12: զʊɛֆȶ աɨȶɦɨռ ǟ զʊɛֆȶ

23 8 0

(Was in the drafts, and just completed it. Might or might not start continuing!) 

".... I should've brought Rachel...." "She'd know what to do" "I'd have chosen Rachel over you-" ".......emphasized on the 'Rivals of the sea legends'"

Well if he really wanted the red head- he could just go back couldn't he? Annabeth thought disgusted. That seaweed brain had gone away- having been called by Frank. Annabeth kicked the rope next to her and, as it went flying and landing in a mess a few feet away from her, she sat down and thought Why did mother have to get stuck with the water God? Why did she have to go after the same ship as the stinking sea brain dude!

"Umm....Guys?" A really familiar and irritating voice interrupted her complains.

Her neck swayed to the voice and locked eyes with the sea green swirl. "What?" Her voice sounded downright angry. Though her brain was pretty much malfunctioning.

The other were looking at him as well.

"Well....I have to go on a....small trip....And I have to go alone- So-"

"Where?" Hazel enquired.

"Ummm- To some Greek island-"

"Why?" Annabeth asked her voice suspicious.

Percy held her glare. Green locked in gray. And Annabeth suddenly knew. He had a dream. Just like her. Willing for him to go. Annabeth didn't blame him. she really didn't. but before she could stop herself she blurted "No way"

Percy raised his eyebrow.

She glared at him. "I don't trust you. One bit."

Leo interrupted "Uh....We have a say in this too you know guys?"

"Exactly" Jason said. "We are NOT letting you go alone cap"

"Cap?" Percy blinked.

Jason glanced at Leo. "This guy is seriously rubbing off me-"

"That's a compliment glasses"

"Glasses?" Jason blurted.

"Glasses" Leo agreed.

"Glasses?" He asked again. His head trying to wrap around that one word.

"Jason- Calm down. Its cause you wear glasses-"

"I know...But....Glasses?" He repeated his voice in total confusion.

"Why is your guy so surprised about glasses?" Calypso whispered.

"How would I know?" Piper whispered back. Then 3 seconds later realized and corrected. "He is not my guy-"

Calypso tried to hide her smirk.

"Oh, wipe that smirk off" Piper growled. Folding her arms. "He is not my guy" She repeated. A little part of her head told her otherwise. And the other part told her that she isn't slightly attracted to him in any way.

Annabeth and Percy were talking with each other heatedly while Leo and Jason were talking back and forth about glasses. And do not ask me how they managed to start a war on that topic- or how they managed to keep it going for so long- it's something only Leo and Jason can get themselves into.

Hazel and Frank glanced at each other. Then sighed. "Guys!" Frank called out. "Focus!"

"Percy. How can you think of going on a solo trip when we already have something at hand?" Hazel asked. "Not to be rude- or nosy- but why this sudden trip?"

Percy gave another glare at Annabeth then told Hazel "Its....important. Its for our quest. To help in it."

Hazel though for a while. "How do you know you are supposed to go there?"

Percy sighed. Guess he can't stick to the 'Stay inconspicuous' plan.

"I had a dream. My dad told me about this island. In Greece. And yes, I realize how far we are from there...and apparently I have to meet the sun and moon?"

"Artemis and Apollo" Annabeth replied.

"Right- Goddess of Moon and God of sun" Percy nodded. How did he not figure that out...?

Hazel and Frank glanced again and started to speak. But then Calypso intervened "He cannot be going alone-"

Leo nodded. "No offense cap...But the seas are dangerous enough, even Greece itself is chaotic enough- but two gods? Gods who are directly involved in the Olympus council? No way. As much as I'd like to see Percy becoming his own pancake- the Argo II cannot handle itself without a captain. And if either me or Jason becomes the captain nothing is going to get done a-"

"Leo- We weren't planning on making him go alon-"

"Don't say no. You kno-" He stopped. "Oh cool."

Hazel turned to Percy. "As Leo.....debated....you shall not go alone."

"But you get to pick whom to go with" Frank smiled. "And no. Not me."

Percy locked eyes with Jason. Leo gasped. "Cap. How dare you. I fight for you and defend you- and this is how you betray me?"

"I- No...I mean-"

"I'm kidding- I don't want to come anyways" Leo shrugged. "I mean I am all for supporting you- but uh- not in the mood to see two Gods today"

Percy blinked. "Thanks"

"No problem" Leo nodded.

Before Percy could ask Jason, Jason shook his head. "Sorry bro...But I got plans"

"Seriously" Percy gave him a deadpan look.

"Sorry bro" Jason shuffled his feet.

He glanced at Frank again.

"Sorry Percy can't reconsider" Frank told him before he could even get the question out of his mouth.

Percy folded his arms. Once again trying to speak. But surprise, surprise someone interrupts him.

"I'll go" Even Annabeth was surprised at her voice echoing those two words.

The others looked like they were trying to keep a straight face.

"Okay then its decided" Hazel replied. And she felt proud for managing this well. And she'd better thank Frank for that.

"Percy and Annabeth will set sail to...."

"Delos" Percy and Annabeth spoke. Percy looked at her then questioned "How do you know?"

"Apollo and Artemis birthplace obviously" Annabeth pointed out.

"Right..." Percy nodded. A little part of him was impressed, but that feeling was squashed out by his irritation against her all-knowing arrogance. She's the daughter of Athena what do you expect.

"Okay, Percy and Annabeth will set sail to Delos and we'll meet you on Athens" Frank nodded.

Hazel looked at the others "You guys have work to do. We gotta prepare for their journey"

Leo sighed. Calypso and Piper gave a deadpanned look. And Jason just looked tired.

"Aye aye captain" They said as they scattered to their work.

That's when it hit both of them, Annabeth and Percy...are going on a quest...alone....just the two of them.

This is going to be fun. 

(Hope you enjoyed this!)

ʟɪɴᴀ ᴏᴜᴛ31.08.2023

【ㅌ.ㄹ.ㅅ】 // 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐑𝐔𝐌𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 ── ❛ percabeth pirate au ❜Where stories live. Discover now