Chapter 39 - An afternoon with Dylan

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Chapter 39 – An afternoon with Dylan

Well, you know what they say, you can never give enough to a man who is willing to take everything from you. Because in love, when you give, you always receive.

But some men just don't know how to give.

That is why Nicholas is here begging on his knees right now, just as I pictured a long time ago. I don't know what caught up his ass that he decided to talk to me after all those months he left.

"Please Jane. I'm sorry. I regretted the months I left you."

I rolled my eyes. How can he beg for my love now from the last four months since he left? From all those girls faces that he sucked then leave them hanging. It just proves how much of an asshole he can get. Even his friends are advising him but he wouldn't listen.

"Please, Jane. I'm sorry." He begged.

I ignored him continued walking, but he blocked my way. I growled, "Fuck off, Anderson."

He grabbed my arm, making me turn to him, "Is it because Dylan's back? Is that why you despise me?"

"Poor inconsequential Nicholas. Not everything is about you. I chose you over Dylan months ago, and what did you do? You blew it off. So if I were you, I'd walk away right now or I'm going to kick your ass, literally."

"I loved you, Jane. Heck I still do. If only you knew how much it pains me, how itches me to be with you."

I rolled my eyes at him.

After all those times that he sees me, he doesn't even make an effort to talk to me. He's just happy whenever I see him slinging his arm around some random chic. Like I care.

"One last warning, Nick."

"If only you'd listen to me, I would have explained everything."

"I don't need your explanation."

"Please, give me a chance."

Looking at him dully, I took that chance to escape his presence. My angry self still has no mood in talking to him.

How dare he. Talking to me about his feelings. I am not even sure why now of all those months. Now that Dylan is here, he has this scheme of talking to me just so he can win me back.

Sure, he's still hot. But eh, this heart has thrown all of those Nicholas stuff out.

This is a new chapter for me.

Now that I'm in my locker waiting for Dylan and Hailey to show, I changed my things and grab those I need for the next classes.

"Hey, Janey!" I looked to my shoulder to see my good friend who happens to be Anderson's best friend. "You okay?"

"Hi, Chase! Eh, I'm fine. What's up?"

I see him lean against my locker, "Not much, bored."

I rose an eyebrow. "Don't you have a class?"

He snorted, "Meh. I don't want to go."

"But you-"

"Jane, sorry I was at the restroom and I had a hard time looking for a tissue." Hailey suddenly joined in. She was exasperating.

"Oh, calm down. It's okay Hailes."

I can see how Chase looked when his eyes landed on my red head friend. A smirk formed on my face and I want to play Cupid for once, "Chase, this is Hailey. Hailey, this is Ch-"

I was cut off by him and offered his hand for her to shake. "Chase Lewis. Pleasure."

I watch them in silence.

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