Chapter Three

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Violet had spent the better part of her Tuesday organizing her desktop how she liked it. From what she could see in her folder, there were certain programs she would be using constantly and others when necessary. She set up her Home Screen and which apps to open automatically, she encrypted her documents folder for an extra layer of security, she set up her desk phone and voicemail and after lunch, she spent time on Amazon shopping for a few things for her office. She managed to get a coat rack to put in the corner for her jacket and purse, the retractable badge reel she'd reminded herself of, a scented wax warmer, office slippers when she wanted to work without her heels on, a couple of coffee mugs, her favorite brand of pens and stationary that she would use, a desk calendar to sit on the long side of her desk that ran along the wall, and a throw blanket. She'd found a cute little Feng shui inspired waterfall for the table in the corner on the other side of her office and a standing lamp because she despised fluorescent lights. She would go to her favorite plant store and decide what caught her eye. She wasn't sure if she wanted a small desk plant or something like a potted monstera. Violet was just in disbelief of how much space she had and to add another plus, she had her own thermostat.

"Knock, knock." A brunette with chocolate eyes said as she poked her head into Violet's office. "Hey, just coming to check on you."

From the introductions earlier, Violet knew this was Karen who seemed nice enough on their first encounter. She was short in stature so her pear shape didn't compliment her well and she tended to rest her fists on her extra wide hips but she was nice to Violet and that's all she cared about, really.

"I'm good, thank you. I was wondering though, what are some important departmental numbers you have programmed in your desk phone?"

"Oh yeah, good question. I can shoot the numbers over to you in a chat. Did you figure out how to program it?"

"Yeah, I got that down, just wanted to get a start on my address book."

"Yeah, that's smart. I'll shoot you over some general department numbers and my key points of contact because let's be honest, there are some people better at things than others." Karen said with a nervous laugh.

Violet was expecting day two to be better. She badged into Bass Enterprises and the first thing she did was make her way to the break room for coffee. Her Amazon finds hadn't arrived yet so she had to use one of the printed paper cups from the dispenser next to the Keurig.

"Good morning," Violet heard a voice say behind her. She turned around and was greeted by a smiling woman named Ebony. She had a short haircut with the tops curled and sculpted. She was a beautiful woman, looked to be in her early thirties but Violet knew with black women, she could be much older.

"Good morning!" Violet smiled. She hadn't been there yesterday so it helped eased Violet that she had discovered at least one other black woman in the office space.

"I heard they hired another one. Girl I couldn't wait to come see for myself." Ebony stepped beside Violet and put her empty coffee mug down to use one of the other two Keurigs. "I'm Ebony, I work in marketing, on the other side of the floor." Ebony stuck out her hand and Violet shook it.

"Another one?" Violet questioned.

"Girl you know how they describe folks," she grabbed the hazelnut flavored pod from the basket on the countertop. She then looked over her shoulder to make sure they were alone. "They will say anything but black." She whispered and Violet had to laugh. "They said you had big hair and an even bigger ass."

At that Violet's eyes widened.

"Girl close your mouth, not exactly like that, but of course that's how I took it. Apparently the black dress you wore yesterday was a little too much for some folk around here, but you didn't hear it from me."

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