Chapter Fifteen

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Because Lincoln didn't bring up Grant to her, Violet decided not to bring it up to him. For one, she was a big girl, she could handle herself. Grant's behavior was nothing new but the bigger reason was she didn't want to come between them. No matter how much disdain she had for him, she didn't want them angry with each other, especially because their mother was fighting for her life everyday. When or if the day actually came, they would need each other more than anything. Violet knew the pain of that loss.

She'd never forgive herself if she stood in the way of them. Plus, she didn't know if Grant knowingly would be some sort of dealbreaker. Violet wasn't ready to give him up just yet.

"Are you ready for tonight?" Ebony popped her head into Violet's office with a big smile on her face. No, Violet wasn't ready. When first invited she'd been excited but now that the day was here, and she'd been working tirelessly on her accounts, she was drained. "Oh don't look at me like that, it'll be fun." Ebony smiled. "I'm excited. We'll just go chill, have a few drinks and enjoy the show. You don't even have to get dressed up."

"Sounds good. I'm going, I'm just drowning in work right now. Hopefully I can knock this out and relax for a bit." Violet said as she flipped to another book in her spreadsheet. "I mean with the amount of work I have, it's crazy to believe we have a team. A competent one at that."

"I can't say I know how you feel. The intern they hired with you, she's amazing, especially with the social media stuff. She's doing things I've been insisting the managers do but they never trusted my input. They needed to hear it from the cool young hipsters." Ebony shrugged. "And I'm not mad at it. Being right is enough."

"I wish I could be that way." Violet rested her chin in her hand. "I need people to also know that I'm right, especially when they make it a point to prove me wrong."

"You give major Leo vibes." Ebony laughed. "It's the natural bossiness you have, and you always stand up for yourself. I admire it. Don't look at it as a flaw."

"Thank you." Violet smiled. "I'll see you tonight, seven sharp?"

"You know it!" Ebony left Violet to her work.

Violet's busy work life and new social life meant that sometimes Rocky had to suffer in his loneliness, and she didn't like it. Today Rocky would be going to a pet sitter for a couple of hours and it would be a trial for both him and Violet.

"He's really a good boy." Violet said as she handed him off to the caretaker. The doggy daycare was nearby, about two blocks away so she walked him there to spend a little more time with him.

The way Rocky looked at her was almost enough for her to cancel her plans, but she couldn't leave Ebony like that. "I'll call when I'm on my way to pick him up. Shouldn't be too late."

"Great," the young woman said as she ushered Rocky inside. The smell of beef treats had him bounding down the hall without so much as a second glance at Violet. "Have a great evening Miss. Williams. I'll take good care of him." She promised. "I have all your instructions in the email and your contact information all will be fine."

"Thank you so much!" Violet left her with a wave.

Violet met Ebony at the poetry club Ebony had texted Violet the address to. Thankfully Ebony had beat her there and already had a table and drinks. Between performances, the DJ played good music. It was a very chill atmosphere for the most part. Some people were dancing, others chatting amongst themselves. It was a nice change in speed from her high stress work environment.

Violet let the alcohol ease her inhibitions and after a while, she and Ebony joined others on the dance floor. "Ten o'clock, you've got an admirer." Violet heard Ebony say.

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