Chapter Twelve

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"Fucking hell." Grant mumbled to himself as he strolled back into the Bass Enterprises building. He pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance as he walked with purpose.

"Good evening, Mr. Bass, forgot something?" Sammy asked Grant who approached the badging terminal. While everyone else usually chose not to make small talk with the least approachable of the Bass brothers, Sammy paid his cold disposition no attention. He was nice to everyone and everyone was nice to him. Sammy was two clues away from completing his daily crossword and then he could move on to his book of Sudoku. Seeing Grant back in the building before dawn was unusual and made Sammy look up from his puzzle in curiosity.

"Ah, yes. I'll just be a minute." Grant said as he badged back into the building at the terminal. He was slightly embarrassed as he wasn't usually one to forget anything. He prided himself on his thoroughness. He was rarely one to double back and after being gone for a full hour, he'd been left no choice. Grant had picked up his takeout and settled on his leather sofa with his broccoli beef and three fingers of bourbon, when he opened his briefcase and realized his file on the Donahue account was missing. Well, not missing, he'd left it on his desk. The meeting itself had been unproductive as it was by his standards. All he'd wanted was to get some work done but here he was, back in the last place he'd expected to be.

"Your brother's up there, tell'em don't work too hard," as harmless as Sammy's comment was, Grant's brows furrowed. "I'm sure they'll enjoy your company. Most'the time, it's just the two of them keeping the lights on up there."


Sure Grant was no stranger to Lincoln's late work nights.

They both tended to work late, only, Grant preferred to work late from the comfort of his home. Being in the building from sun up til dusk was more than enough for him.

Grant punched the up button for the elevator, frustrated with himself for forgetting the contract on his desk.

When the elevator stopped Grant at Bass Enterprises, he stepped off and headed straight for his office. Grant was agitated as he grabbed the folder from his desk, quickly spotting it as soon as he opened the door.

Them? The thought rang in his head again, firing up his curiosity. His legs moved on their own accord. He hadn't given any thought to what he would say after interrupting them, or if he'd do so at all. But still, he headed for his brother's office anyway.

Lincoln's door was cracked just enough for Grant to see inside but not so much that he could go unnoticed if he wanted to.

To anyone else happening to walk by, Lincoln and Violet were the picture of focus. Lincoln was showing her something on his computer screen while she sat next to him on the sofa in his office.   "...comfort letter." Grant heard his brother say. Grant knew they were probably working on the same comfort letter he'd shredded her for earlier. It wasn't even the subject matter that bothered him. It wasn't even the fact that they were working together. It was the way Violet looked at Lincoln as he spoke.

It was a look of admiration, with a hint of ardor and unmistakable smoky lust from her eyes alone. Her clear framed glasses did nothing to hide it either. Lincoln was focused on what he was saying but as he stole a glance at Violet, Grant watched his brother stumble over his thoughts.

If it were anyone else, he'd laugh. But this wasn't anyone else. It was his brother, it was Violet.

"Um.." Lincoln rubbed his clammy palms against his thighs. Nervousness suddenly washed over him as Violet's stare sunk under his skin in the most provocative way. "Your...your comfort letter, it was good, but I think with those changes, it'll be..." Lincoln's words trailed off as his thoughts crossed, "beautiful." He had meant to say much improved but he couldn't handle her staring like that. It was a Freudian slip that her responsive smile made worth it.

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