Chapter Thirteen

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The next three weeks went smoothly. Violet and Ebony had become good friends. Occasionally, Violet joined the marketing team for lunch and she would also have Ebony over for dinner. It was nice to have a girlfriend, as much of a social recluse she tended to be.

Today was Saturday and she was out at Brooke & Lola's Brunch and Stuff with Eboney for mimosas and French toast. "I love your shoes!" Violet complimented when she saw the light catch the metallic pattern. They were sitting in front of the window, facing the street, watching the passersby as they chatted about nothing and everything; the weather, work, Ebony's terrible blind dates, fashion and celebrity drama. It felt so good to laugh when work was so tense all the time.

"Thank you, this is my first time wearing them. Wanted to test them out before I wear them to the office. I got them from this new store down the street, it's a boutique called Kirna's. They have some great pieces for work."

"I'll keep that in mind for my next shopping trip. I'm attempting to budget this year. It was my resolution." Violet made a mental note of the boutique's name but then thought to store it in her phone's notes. Just as she clicked her notes app, her phone vibrated, indicating a phone call. She saw Lincoln's name flash across the screen and jumped.

"You okay?" Ebony asked, taking a sip of her cranberry mimosa.

Nodding hesitantly, Violet answered, "uh yeah. Let me get this. I'll be back."

Violet stepped outside, stopping in front of the window and answered her phone. "Good..." she paused to look at the time, "afternoon, sir. To what do I owe the pleasure of this call?"

"Hello, beautiful. I'm sorry to just call you, are you busy?"

"Yeah, well no. I'm in SoHo, brunching with Ebony." Violet turned towards the window to see Ebony scrolling on her phone. "So...kinda?"

"You're in SoHo? I'm Richmond County on Staten Island, at the country club, golfing. If you're not busy when you're done, can I send a car for you?" He sounded nervous, as if he were unsure of her answer. He had reason to be. While they had agreed to take things slowly and remain friends while dating, he couldn't help his urges. "You know, if you'd like to?"

"I'd love to..." Violet looked back at the window again. "I'll see you soon?"

Lincoln breathed a sigh of relief, "see you soon."

Shoving her phone into her purse, Violet went back inside of the restaurant and took her seat. "Sorry about that," Violet grabbed her glass and polished off her orange juice mimosa.

"You good?" Ebony asked her once again.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, it was just my hairstylist confirming my appointment next week." Violet felt bad for lying, terrible even, and though her phone call was none of Ebony's business, she felt obligated to tell her something. Especially because Ebony looked so concerned.

"Oh okay, new hairdo loading." Ebony reached over and brushed Violet's hair behind her shoulder. She plucked the strawberry from the rim of her glass and ate it up to the hull in one bite. "You ready to get out of here?"

"Yes!" Violet hadn't meant to sound so eager but she was anxious, nervous and excited all in one. The champagne helped quell her nervousness a bit but it was still present.

"I've got it." Ebony grabbed the checkbook that had been dropped off while Violet was outside on the phone.

"I'm not gonna fight you for it, " Violet laughed. "But I call dibs on the next one." Violet walked with Ebony to the cashier and accompanied her while she paid for their visit. They walked out onto the sidewalk together and Ebony shouldered her purse.

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