Chapter 5: First Day Back

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Jeff is walking to school with Jess, Sasha and Hannah. Their school doesn't make the students wear a uniform so Jeff decided to wear some of thr clothes he got from the shopping centre.

 Their school doesn't make the students wear a uniform so Jeff decided to wear some of thr clothes he got from the shopping centre

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Jeff and the other 3 walk into the building

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Jeff and the other 3 walk into the building. He gets his new timetable then looks at it comparing it to the girls ones.

Jess: you are in all thr same classes as me, except for P.E. come on, we have english.

* In P.E *
The P.E class is playing football. Jeff notices the girls who have a free period. Jess signals she going to film it. Jeff get the ball.

He dribbles it horribly drawing the player in, it works. He flicks the ball over his head. Before the ball hit the floor he does the same to another player.

He puts the ball through another's legs. He does the flip flap

He runs at the keeper then shoots. It hits the crossbar then goes in. He point to the 3 girls who are all stunned and recording.

He runs back into place as it kicks off again.

* End of the school day *

Jeff is walking with Jess, Sasha and Hamnah to the entrance/exit of the building. Just as he gets to the doors he's slamed against the wall, he looks up seeing Jess's now Ex-Boyfriend Mason Hill.

Mason: wondered when i'd see you again bitch

Jeff: what do you want Mason?

Mason: you are the reason that Jess left me

Jeff: you're the reason she left you.

He pushes Mason off him surprising everyone that was there.

Jeff: yeah she left you because of how you treated me, and everyone else you aren't friends with or just don't like for no fucking reason.

Mason: so what if i do that, what's that got to do with it

Jeff: it's got to do with it since i tried killing myslef because of you and your mates, even a few if Jess' old mates. several times i'd go back to the orphanage and think of different ways i could end my life, all because of you.

Everyone is stunned. What Jeff doesn't see is nearly every student and member of staff behind him.

Jeff: the day i stopped coming here was because i tried killing myslef but the couple who run the orphanage found me and rushed me to hospital to get the pills and drugs out of my system. all because you couldn't stop calling me shit, taking the piss out of how i looked, how i sounded or how stupid i was all the time. you'd beat me up on the way home and in the blind spots of the cameras, then i'd have to lie to to the people who raised me about where of the scar, black eyes and blood came from. all because of you.

Jeff feels rage building then decides to swing at Mason. He gets a punch connecting with his jaw. Mason hits the floor knocked out.

Jeff turns around finally seeing everyone. He walks passed everyone with Jess, Sasha and Hannah following him. Jess walks him to her place. She called Talia to let her, JJ amd Simon know.

Jess: hey sis, i'm bringing Jeff back with me. he had a bit of an argument and knocked a kid out.

Talia: ok, i'll call Freya and let her know he's here

Jess: thanks sis

The 4 of them arrived at Simon and JJ's flat. They all walk in. All the sidemen are already there. He sees them the tears up.

Freya is the first one to go over. She hugs him to which he hugs back instantly. He lets tears out. Freya rubs the back of his head to comfort him. She whispers to him.

Freya: what happened?

Jeff shakes his head.

Freya: do you want Jess to tell us?

He nods.

Freya: Jess what happened?

Jess: we were walking out of the school when my Ex-Boyfriend Mason pins Jeff to the wall, he used to bully Jeff all the time without me seeing or knowing. he blamed Jeff for us breaking up which it was because of Jeff, he made me see Mason the asshole he is.

Josh: Jess, please stay focused on what happened

Jess: right, sorry. Jeff pushed him off and told him that Mason was the reason we split and what he's done to Jeff. and saying he's the reason that Jeff almost commited suicide. then Jeff punched him once and knocked him out.

Everyone looks at Jeff. He and Freya haven't broken their hug yet. She looks down at him.

Freya: did all this happen?

He nods. He closes his eye and hangs his head. Freya lifts his head and makes him look at her. She smiles.

Freya: i'm proud of you

He's surprised.

Jeff: you are?

Freya: yeah, you stood up for yourself. i'm not pleased that you knocked him out, but besides that i'm proud of you for standing up to that bully. i'm sure Josh feels that same

They look at Josh.

Josh: i would have been proud of him either way for standing up to him, how many times did you have to hit the kid to knock him out?

Jess: it was one punch, impressive really since Mason is training to be a boxer.

They all look at Jeff and clap for a couple of seconds.

* That Night *
Jeff is sitting in his room playing his Xbox he got. He has WWE 2K23 loaded up. He's mid creating a character when he gets a text from an Instagram account he doesn't know.

???: if you know what's good for you stay the fuck away from school or you'll end up in the ground

He decides to ignore it but more and more come through. He shuts his phone off comoletely. He plays his game until he decides to go to bed at 5AM.

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