Plastered Bryan

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The weather was a bit uncomfortable. Anya walked up to the windows to close them as the wind that came with a ponderous cloudburst was about to break them when she sighted Bryan outside looking all splashed. The rain got to the floor and he was still there .

She rubbed her eyes . She couldn't really see the person's Face clearly as the rain fell heavily. She called out to her roommate.

"Lia!Lia!"hallowed Anya

"Anya, what's up?"rejoined Amelia as she moved towards Anya.

"Are we fighting? "Interrogated Anya still looking outside.

*Amelia finally got to where Anya was*
"Yes! We are! After all you did to that nice Sir Bryan, I will not forgive you easily until you apologize, and by the way you yelled more than me , that was how I was able to trace down where you are.. at this window opposite the faucet in the kitchen.

"Lia, look outside "giving her space to look out of the window.

"Is that not sir Bryan?"queried Lia.

" I thought I was seeing double "said Anya.

"After all you did to him the other day I think his broken".

"Broken?Do you know what you are saying?"

"Go and find out what's going on?" I was preparing bologna to eat my sandwiches with, I'll prepare two for me and handsome Bry, Bring him in it's a blessing "Lia ran off.

 Anya ran into the rain, sighting Bryan from far he was drenched and plastered from the look on his face. she moved closer.

"Bryan!"she taped him.

"Don't ditch me Anya"He stood up .

"Hold on Bryan, keep this bottle of cognac, Is it what will help you forget all I said!" Anya interrogated him.

 Anya lends him a helping hand as they both walked into her dormitory from the back door. She calls out Lia's name(Amelia) to help her out.

Lia!"yells Anya.

"What's up?"

"Handle him please "hands him over to Amelia



"Okay "Amelia happily answered
"Bryan is self opinionated , what will happen now, people must be looking for him now, He is a dingbat"queried Anya.

"Pipe down Anya, he has fallen asleep, I'll just take him to our room, tomorrow he will surely be okay" Amelia advised.

Bryan's phone rang. Anya dips her hand into his pocket and tries to pick the call, immediately, Lia holds her hand.

"Are you okay?"Amelia asked.

"It's sir Lucas".

"I know, that's why he has to be here, will you do the explanations, let it be, tomorrow he will do as he pleases with his family,we just have to hide him here, all this mess is all because of you" Amelia said as she laid Bryan on the bed.

"How ?" Anya asked.

"If you didn't speak so rudely to him yesterday, this wouldn't have happened, this bottle of cognac, he wouldn't have been plastered"Amelia told Anya.

"I told him all I had to, why should I keep silent because I'm trying to please him, that's not possible, you know me very well"Anya boosted.
"I do know you, you never let go of your self-respect, you are independent and that one girl who never appreciates good things until she loses it" Amelia laid on the thick mat she laid on the floor.

"Amelia! Will you fight with me because of Bryan?".

"Maybe, I just need you to adjust because I will treat you just the same way you treated Bryan.

"I'm sorry Lia, I'll apologize again" Anya laid beside Amelia

"You better do" .

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