Rose is finally put in her place

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Bryan and Anya are spending quality time together. They have not returned from the contest but he has been in touch with his family members.

*Bryan's house*
Isla heard a knock on the door.

"Who's there?". She pulled the handle of the door and peeps to see who knocked.

"Rose..". She jammed her eyeball to eyeball, she felt like the ground should open and she falls in or disappear like a ghost .

"Comme in" . She stammered scared that who she let in may be a look alike of Rose. Because the Rose she knows always puts on makeups and is always looking purple ( fancy).

"Thanks, is anyone at home Isla?". Rose asks with the little shame let in her.

"Have a sit , no one at all, just me, are you looking for anyone, who are you? ". Isla asked.

"You don't recognise me? I'm Rose". Rose's eye were filled with tears.

"Rose! What happened to you?".

"I never knew that my house, cars, clothes, shoes, and everything I had were all gotten from a loan . My parents gave me the biggest shock of my life, they had no investment because they thought the person that lent the money to them is dead . This is the lie they told me since childhood . I grew up I that house and now I live in a rat hole; Isla can you help me please ". Rose pleaded.

"Wow". Rose clapped her hands.

"I'm pouring my heart to you and you are clapping ". Rose felt disgraced.

"Because you deserve where you are at the moment, you are BUMMED. You were so ordercious as if you had it all, please get out of my sight ". Isla tries to leave but Rose held her leg and knelt on the floor.

"You have always supported me Isla, okay just give me a job, no one wants to take me in for any job, i have chased everyone away from me, you are right, I was ordercious that in the past, not now because now I've changed ".

"Really? I can give you a job ".

"Thank you".

"It's cleaning ".

" Isla I thought you will give me a job in college manager, a member of the school board, something like that ". Isla showed her dismay.

"Is like I'm being too nice, you are even choosing, you lowlife".

"Noo, no problem, it's okay by me, I'll be a cleaner in your house right? It's okay, what about getting married to your brother, I still love him you know?".

"Hey! That's a no go area, don't think of it, I can't let a dirty thing like you marry my brother, Bryan".

"Isla, you resulted to insulting today because of my downgrading, why can't we still be friends ". Rose tries to maintain the relationship her and Isla had.

"Will you spank me? Start work today or tomorrow ".

"I'll get back to you ". Rose stood up and left in tears, using her hand to cover her mouth to avoid screaming till she has left their compound... She felt like an idiot, a jerk.

Rose never Imagined that such a thing will befall her, poverty which she despised! She never knew what poverty could do to someone. It really turned Rose into a housemaid. She changed and became very ugly because she couldn't afford her creams, makeups and soaps. Wherever she entered they pointed fingers at her and called her names. One day it got to her head. She got a long rope and a stool and went under a tree. She tied the rope on the tree, then to her neck while standing on the chair. She then used her legs to push the chair backwards, so that it could fall. She almost gave up the ghost when a passerby started shouting and her parents came out of the building to know what was going on, to their greatest surprise, their only child, Rose wanted to commit suicide. They ran off to the tree and brought her down. She was vomiting blood. It was indeed a tragedy. But after sometime she was better.

"Rose, you wanted to leave I and your mom just like that". Her dad questioned.

"Mom, what I'm I living for? How can I face all my friends, Anya, none of them want to associate with me, Bryan's family broke all ties with me yesterday and offered me a cleaning job that was meant for a maid, they now see me as a maid". They didn't even consider, it's Rose, the girl they always wanted for Bryan. Bryan too hates me , I'm shattered mom. If Anya sees me like this if they return, I'll use a knife and slip my throat, do you know how I've insulted her called her what I am today, a lowlife. I just want to die ". Rose cries out loud and laid head on her mom's lap.

"Rose it is not too late, just turn the cleaning job down because you working there will demoralize you, a supermarket along the street is in need of an accountant, why don't you go and apply ". Her dad suggested.

"Yes Rose, your dad is right, and when Bryan returns try to approach him, he may help you ".

"Rose will do no such, Bryan doesn't want her, it's high time she moves on towards achieving it in life, move on , just be of your best characters , you will find a good job and a good husband". Her dad advised.

"Dad, thank you for the advice ". Rose stands to leave.

"Wait! My daughter never you try to take your life, once there's life, there is hope".

"Thank you dad!".

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