part 1

35 1 11

Jeongin POV.

I woke up, feeling tired. I only got a few hours sleep but that was regular for me now. It was also monday which didnt help my mood.I quickly got up and made my bed and got dressed. I slowly and quietly went downstairs to find my mum already gone. I should have expected that as she works really hard to support us but I always miss our morning talks. I sighed and grabbed a glass of water since I didn't feel hungry. I then walked to school. I went straight to my locker cause I didn't want to talk to anyone. I wasn't in the mood. As I got my books for the first two classes I turned around to be meet with seungmin. I smiled at him as he came over. We started to talk about random stuff with him making jokes every now and then which causes me to giggle. Until the group walked through the door. The group I hated (expect for Changbin he was the only one of them I would ever talk to)

"omg did hyunjin just get even more handsome over the weekend" seungmin said staring at him with googly eyes.

"Sure I guess" I said but only for seungmin to look at me like I killed his dog.

"you guess! What do you mean he is literally the most handsome person in the world like just look at him ........." he started to ramble on.

This just put me in an even worst mood. seungmin constantly talking about his crush. My crush talking to me about his crush. Even though I already knew that he didn't like me like that it still breaks my heart every time he talks about how much he loves him and how pretty he is and how no one can compare.

I interrupted him "imma go to class. Bye" before quickly leaving before hearing him talk more about him.

I got to English class early. First thing in the morning English the subject I hate the most. Can my day get any worse. I slouched in my chair and put my headphones on trying to block out everything around me. After a few minutes the teacher appeared and I took off my headphones trying not to die of boredom. The rest of the morning went soo slow but alas it was lunch.

I sat down at our table to hear seungmin and Minho arguing about something.

"jeongin thank god your here, back me up and tell minho he is an idiot for t-." seungmin said

"how am I the fucking idiot......" I drowned out the rest of the argument until Felix came over bringing his boyfriend over with him after going over to changbins friend to tell them that they will eat with us today.

"minho. Seungmin. Shut the fuck up please or I will get changbin to beat the shit out of you." Felix said

"he cant do shit to me" minho defended himself

"minho just shut up" seungmin said

Minho gave an offended look but didn't say anything.

Felix and changbin sat down opposite to me. Felix broke the now calm silence in our friend group by saying "its changbins birthday tomorrow and theres gonna be a party on Saturday so you guys are coming I don't care if you have plans." Giving each of us death stares. We all mumbled an okay which made felix's face light up. They all started to gossip about everyone and everything until the bell rang.

I slowly and sadly made my way to class occasionally smiling back to people who smiled at me. The rest of the day slowly finished and I almost leapt out of my seat when the final bell rang. I made my way to my locker to put my stuff away and then went to find my friends cause we usually hang out after school together. I finnaly spotted them but I realised it wasn't just them. They were talking to Changbins friends. I saw seungmin laughing and talking to hyunjin. My heart dropped. It was one thing to talk about him but I never thought they would have a chance now seeing them talking broke my heart more. I just wanted to run away and hide but felix saw me before shouting my name. I knew I couldn't just leave then. I slowly made my way to the group with a false smile. I hated that everyone's eyes where on me as I walked.

Felix wrapped me in a hug as soon I was in reach before introducing me.

"innie this is Jisung, Hyunjin, changbin which you know and chan my australian brother. Guys this is jeongin our cutest little baby." Squishing my cheeks on the last part. I mumbled a hello and hear some back the group the started talking in mini groups. Felix and his boyfriend making out which is something I didn't need to see, minho trying to flirt with the squirrel looking boy I think was called jisung, and suengmin talking to hyunjin. As much as it hurt me to see them together I couldn't look away. Until I heard a dark deep voice "why are you staring at them."

That caused me to jump and turn around to meet the fuck boy of the school. I swear he has been the more than half of the school. He had a few tattoos peeking through his shirt. And his fair messily falling in front of his chocolate brown eyes. I would be lying if I said he was unattractive but im not one to wanna fuck to never speak to each other again. i really didn't wanna talk to him.

"im not." I said quietly staring down at my feet. He put his finger under my chin before lifting it up for me to look at him. "no need to lie now, im just saying im better to stare at." He said his voice seductive and deep and it spread a blush across my cheeks at his words. I stared at him for a few seconds before I stepped away noticing how close we were.

"I-i gotta-a um go. bye." I said quickly before leaving to go home. I ran outside to find it pour down with rain. I groaned to my self before I left to walk in the rain with no umbrella. I put my headphones on trying to zone out on everything around me so I can be in my on little world.

When I got home I didn't care about my homework or the fact I hadn't eaten all day I just wanted to sleep from having probably one of the worst days this year.

hi, hope you like it. sorry for any spelling mistakes

hope you have a great day

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