part 5

24 2 13

Jeongin POV.

I slowly open my eyes to another day. The recent events are making me remember past events which I'd rather forget. I get changed quietly careful not to wake my mother, if she is actually home. Once I'm ready I get changed and go to school

First period is maths which is ok I guess but I'm still very bad at. Then I have geography which is my only subject I like, before I head to English. I walk in with the crowd to see our teacher ms choi. She orders us to stand at the back which I find s weird but don't question.

"you lot have a project to do so I will assign you partners and before anyone asks me, no you cant do it alone or with anyone else apart from your set partner." Ms choi explains. arhhhh. I really don't wanna talk to someone. She starts reading the partners out "Ryujin and Yeji, Sunoo and Sunghoon, Yeonjun and Soobin, Soyeon and Minnie, Wooyoung and San, Jeongin and Chan, Somi and ......" why is it always me and chan.

I look over at chan to see him already staring at me. We sit down at the back and get to work. We only talk about the work which is good but awkward. The bell goes for form and I pack my stuff up. "when shall we meet up" chan asks. "huh" "for the project" ohh yeh. "im free tonight" I reply "so tonight it is"

Form goes by generally fast not doing much because its practically useless and I make my way to lunch. I sit next to felix who is sitting with his boyfriend and oposit Minho, jisung, hyunjin and seungmin. As soon as I sat down hyunjin and seungmin says they have something to announce. "we are dating."

Oh "cool" I say quietly which most likely went un heard because of felixs screams of exsitment talking about double dates and stuff and Minhos attempts to warn hyunjin not to break seungmins heart or he will break him. I zone out looking around the cafeteria until my eyes meet someone. Someone who makes me always wanna through up. Leon. He starts to walk over and I get more and more uncomfortable with each step he takes.

When he is at least a few meters away he gets shoved harsly my a strong shoulder. Chans shoulder. Chan sits next to me and glares at leon making him go away. Probabilly knowing that he cant beat the schools best boxer in a fight. Chan and I don't talk to each other, or anyone for the rest of lunch.

Time skip till school finishing

I wait outside by the gate where chan said to meet up. I see him through the crowd and he lightly pulls my sleeve to get me to follow him to his car. We arrive at his house (or more like a palace) and he navigates our way to his room. He motions for me to sit at the desk and I get my stuff out. We yet again talk about nothing but English as we don't know what to say to each other. 

"its dark now, what time do you have to be home" chan said. I look at the time to see its 10pm. No wonder I'm so tired. "Probably now" I replied. That's a lie my mum probably wont notice im not home, or maybe she just prefers when im not home.

I pack my things up and ready to leave chan walks me to the door. "are you getting picked up" he asked. "no, I'll just walk home." "No, I'll drive you." I was about to protest but decided against as ill probably fall asleep on my way home. I say a quiet thanks and get in the car. Im surprised he memorised the way to my house, but alas we are here. I say a thanks again and hop out.

I walk up to the door and look for my keys in my pocket. Shit, ive lost them. Arhhh ill just ring the doorbell and hope my mum doesn't get mad at me when she opens it. If shes even home. I ring it once. No reply. Twice. No reply. Third time. No reply.

She not be home. Probably hooking up with one of her toxic guys she meets at the bar. I sheepishly look back to see chan and his car still there. I hang my head low and quietly ask him "can you drop me off at seungmin's I kinds lost my keys and my mums not home." He just nods and I climb into the passengers seat again. "are you shore you want to go to seungmin's" "I don't have another choice"

Seungmin was my childhood friend and the only one who knows about my past and my home life, so he wouldn't question it if I come over late with no notice.

Chan just half smiles at me and drives away. I direct him to seungmin's house but on the turn off to seungmins road he goes the opposite way. "the turn off was back there" I said confused and annoyed. I just want to sleep.

"yeh I know but why bother them. Just sleep over at my house" as I was about to protest chan gave me a hard glare which shut me up. We arrived and he walked with me to his room. "ill go get you some clothes and you can sleep in my bed."he said

"where will you sleep?" "ill just sleep in one of the guest rooms" "what why, sleep in your bed and ill sleep in the guest room. It is your bed" "no" "yes" "no" "yes" "jeongin!" chan finally said in a harsh deep voice "you will sleep here"

"ok. You don't have sleep in the guest room though we can just share the bed. Its not like anything is gonna happen." He looks like hes about to argue but he doesn't and gives me the clothes and shows me to the on suite.

I look around the big- no massive on suite. Its literally the size of my bedroom. Its is all white with a black bath, shower and sink with gold as a marble effect. The mirror it massive with lights around the edge. I quickly get dressed in his clothes. They smell like the cologne he always used and his shampoo. It smells oddly comfortable and comforting. I look at myself in the mirror. His clothes makes me look so small. I kinda like it- jeongin you should like his clothes, its chan.

I fold my clothes and slowly head out of the bathroom. I see chan on the left on the bed on his phone. I walk over to the right side and set my clothes on the floor before heading into bed. I lay on my back looking at the ceiling. The awkward tension in the air was so thick it was suffocating. Chans cough breaks the silence followed by an awkward chan saying "c-can I take of my top cause I usually don't sleep with it o-on?" I glance over to chan to see him with redder face but didn't comment and nodded that he could. I watched chan get up and and take his t-shirt off. My eyes scanned his slightly tanned skin, following the lines of his abbs and tattoos. I blushed and turned away.

I cant be feeling like this to chan because hes chan and I still like seungmin right. I feel a shift in the bed indicating chan has sat down and chan grumbles a "good night" before I squeak the reply back "good night"

I surprisingly fell asleep and had one of the best sleeps in a while. I slowly open my eyes to me meet with the slight of chans face. I try and move but I realises we are cuddling. Wait why am I cuddling chan. I feel him stir, so I pretend to be asleep to save myself from the embarrassment. I feel him pull away from me and ii shiver from the loss of heat. "cute" I heard him say before getting up out of bed. 


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2023 ⏰

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