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"Ok listen carefully, earlier today, before the second blackout, you told me someone was behind me didn't you?". I stopped to see if he remembered what happened.

"Yeah, maybe it was my hallucination I don't know but I thought I saw a huge figure behind you, I felt like it was watching us during the blackout, again I don't know but...". he stopped, his mouth agape.

"You really saw it? wait... was that why you were staring out the window? you weren't thinking you were staring? And it's outside? why didn't you tell me? wait, if one was in and another was out... are they two? they could be assassins or as you said ghosts? wait if they are ghosts are there more? are ghosts even real? are we gonna get killed? is your dad gonna make it in time? all this time I thought this is a setup or someone trying to harm us but.... Your house is really haunted? I mean of course all that happened wasn't normal but.... I didn't really expect moving shadows and haunted ghosts to be what we are dealing with, you knew this and you didn't tell?...".

I just stared at him in shock, he has never looked this disappointed before, I knew he was gonna freak out but never did I imagine it was gonna be this bad. His demeanor now, is just the complete opposite of the cheerful mark I've been used to.

"Mark stop, you told me to tell you what's going on, don't make me regret I told you".

"You should have told me... You...You... I asked you before Sara! you said it was nothing!!!". He yelled.

"Don't raise your voice at me mark, I thought you got the hint when I said NOT A NINJA OR ASSASSIN!". I shouted the last part out, getting irritated.

"You should had just told me that ghosts were after us!"

"I regret even telling you now mark,
you are literally shaking like a cold chicken".

"Hey! It's normal for me to freak out, now you're the abnormal one here! we are gonna die soon, but you are so calm, like all that's happening right now is something that happens everyday". he pointed his index finger at me.

"I am scared but it's just
... I have something called self control!".

"I'll see how much self control you've got, when one of those things strangle the life out of you". he sighs,

"Coming here is the worst mistake of my life, I should have left you to die here alone".

we both fell silent, I extremely was hurt by what he said, he knows it too.

"I am sorry for dragging you into this, when my dad gets home you can leave safely... then that'd be the end" I said walking to my bed, tears welling up in my eyes.

"End of what?". he asked confused.

"End of everything". I said, I can't believe I am ending our years of friendship over this, but he hurt my feelings, he has never yelled at me this much... but why now? when I need him the most.

How could he be so selfish, he only thought about his safety, I didn't want to tell him cause I was afraid he would loose it, which he already has by the way.

I thought he cared about me but all humans are the same. Or is it just me being inconsiderate?.

Breaking the silence between us,

"I am sorry". he said staring at the floor like he was ashamed of his behaviour,
I remained silent, he is only trying to make me feel guilty.

"I didn't mean to yell at you, I am sorry and I really mean it Sara". He said lifting his head up to look at me.

Is he trying to make me feel guilty? well it's working.

"If me leaving this house, means the end of everything then I don't think I want to leave". Okay that's it,

I sprinted from the bed and engulfed him in a bear hug. He hugged back and chuckled.

"You selfish moron". I said still hugging him, a sob escaped my mouth.

"Sorry I lost control". He said.

"Yeah, it happens". I said pulling away a bit. I lost control earlier too, it's a tie.

"Did you just try to end our friendship over an argument?". he asked furrowing his eyebrows.

"Did you just apologize?". I chuckled.

"Unbelievable, I'm supposed to tease you not vice versa".

"Well, I'm just happy you are not as selfish as I thought you were, you just literally said you were willing to die for friendship, what have you been watching? My little pony?". I said making him laugh.

"I have taught you so much, I sure am proud".

"Good to have you back buddy". I said patting his back.

"I didn't die, but I am glad to be back". he replied.

"Typical Mark".

"Typical Sara". We both burst out laughing.

"So, Now that we know ghosts do exist, why do you think they are after us?".

"I don't know for sure if they are ghosts Mark". I said.

"Are they vampires then? It's Supernatural, I am very sure now!".

"Whatever they might be, they are dangerous enough to do that". I said pointing to his hand.
"So we have to be careful".

"I hope your dad is almost home. My heart is beating so fast, I feel like my chest is gonna explode soon, wanna hear it". he said pointing at his chest.

"No thanks, I don't want to burst my ear drums". I said sarcastically.

A Few minutes later, Mark's phone rang. I quickly picked up the call.


"Hey, I've been calling your phone". The familiar voice spoke out, it was my dad.

"Yes, sorry dad I accidentally smashed it".

"I am in front of the house, are you guys inside? the lights are turned off". He said,

wait a second, we didn't turn off the lights, why is it...

"Sara?". My dad snapped.

"Yes dad?".

"Are you in?".

"Yes, we are upstairs in my room, but dad don't come in just yet, there is someone inside, get some help". I heard the living room door open and close.

"What do you mean? I am already inside, who is..." the line went blank.

"Dad!, Dad!!!".


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