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To hell with razzenon!

To hell with that stupid wildly beast that sent me here.

I should have never agreed to this, this must be the greatest mistake I have ever and will ever make.

Looking around the beautifully decorated and colossal room, my eyes landed on the crafted wooden bench in front of me.

On the bench sat some weird looking creatures in weird looking outfits who glared daggers at me.

This is not going to end well.

"What is this hunter?". The old femine looking creature asked, with an attitude lacing voice.


"She, your highness is a visitor". Answered hunter from behind me.

"A visitor, you say?". She asked again, I was surely making a disgusted face by now.

"Yes your highness".

"Why is it looking like THAT?". She asked, pointing her crooked finger at my face.

"She might just be exhausted your highness". Hunter replied without spearing me a glance.

"It must have come from far then?".

Oh come on, is she ever going to stop addressing me like an object.

"I suppose, your highness".

"Does it talk?". She asked giving me an irritating look. I really want to gouge those eyes out.....If I could.

"Yes she does your highness". Hunter replied nudging me a little.

Well here goes nothing........

"Um hi?". I croacked out.

"Ewww, what did it just do". She asked , at this point I was just annoyed. So I cleared my throat and spoke out again.

"Hello I'm Sara".

"What is a Sara?".

"It's my name mam".

"What is a mam?".

"It's a way of adressing old women, where I came from".

"I am not old, you obnoxious creature". She barked.

"Well then what are you? Young? You look like lady McPhee's great grand mother".

Snickers erupted from the whole room.

What? She was getting on my nerves.

"I am not a grand mother you! you! Ahhhhg, hunter!". She turned towards hunter.

"I am so sorry your highness my queen.

She must be ignorant of your position in the dark world. My sincere apologies". He did a little bow before turning to me with a glare.

"You have to be polite Sara or she sends you back, SHE IS THE QUEEN". He whispered.

"She started it!". I retorted.

"I know, just apologize and play along, it's what we all do". He whispered to me, though more quietly this time.

"Fine!". I whisper yelled.

I turned towards her and did a little bow, like hunter did before.

"I sincerely apologize for my misbehavior your highness, Queen mother fairy".

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⏰ Last updated: May 12 ⏰

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