Chapter 2

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Loki groaned and rolled slowly off his back. He propped himself up on his elbow and looked around. The night had given way to cloudy daylight. Birds chirped, the trees rustled... He looked around. What trees that were left, that was. He sat up slowly, frowning around him. He had made quite a crater. That explained the pain.

He rolled to his knees and pushed himself to his feet. A low curse escaped him as his back throbbed fiercely. He stumbled forward as his vision blurred. His blood rushed to his legs and the muscles tingled almost painfully.

Thanos had limited transportation abilities. The landing hadn't been fun, nor was he sure that it hadn't gained someone's attention.

Awake now, Asgardian? A voice growled in his mind.

Loki jumped. His heart kicked in his chest. He swallowed. "Yes."

Good. We have work to do.

"Of course. Where should I start?"

You will be here awhile yet. What I have taught you will do no more than let you blend in. You must learn about them, study them as a race. And find the tesseract.

Loki looked around. He wasn't familiar with much of Midgard beyond the Scandinavian nations he had visited with Thor and the little bits Thanos had been able to show him.

"Where am I?"

Northern America. What is known as the United States.

"Perfect." They knew the Tesseract was in this country at least. Where, they weren't sure, but it was close enough. He knew enough about the country to make his way for a little while, long enough to set the plan in motion.

A woman is coming your way. You will befriend her, learn from her. Gain her trust. She harbors a power that could be useful to your army.

Loki smiled slowly and straightened. "Wonderful."


Unlike Heart of a Mortal, Loki will not be under Thanos control but is a very willing participant. Thoughts? The two POVs will eventually blend but for a little bit, they will be separate.

This starts out pre-Avengers and it'll be a while before that all starts so I hope I can keep your interest.

Picture created by mindless-wisdom on tumblr. I just found it on google.

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