Chapter 4

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Loki waited until he knew Terra was well on her way. His clothes shimmered until the illusion fell away and his dirty, dented armor was once more in place. He climbed down the slope and started walking down the trail. He'd have to find transportation if he meant to follow her home. But he had no idea how to use their vehicles and he couldn't ask her.

He knew where she lived, that hadn't taken more than a few seconds of searching her mind. She'd been wholly unaware of it. Midgardians were so unobservant. Smiling a little, he wondered why no one else had bothered to try taking over them. It couldn't be that hard.

Sometime on the way down, he stopped at the sound of someone yelling.

"Dammit!" They cried.

Loki checked his surroundings and then nodded to himself. It appeared Terra had found the crater. If she assumed it to be her own fault then it made his job a little easier. He could safely play the part of fellow mutant now; all he had to do was find out where she lived. Turning towards the noise, he began tracking her path.

She got in her car and drove onto the highway. The car was small and blue, with a large dent in the back. Loki looked around. He needed to move quickly if he was going to find her once she was on the road.

There were a few vehicles scattered around. He wondered if any of their owners had felt the mountain shaking or seen the crater yet. The illusion of human clothing returned with a wave of his hand as he headed for the building that said "Services."

A young man glanced at him from where he stood at a large glass front box filled with food. Loki smiled. "Hello."

"Hey." The man reached down to take a bag from the bottom of the machine.

"Might I ask..." Loki leaned on the wall, looking to be sure no one else was around. "Which vehicle out there is yours?"

The man frowned. "Why?"

"I am only wondering."

"None o' your business." The man glared at him and walked away. Loki sighed. A wave of his hand and a muttered phrase later and the man was perfectly compliant. "It's the green hatchback. You need a ride?"

"I do! Thank you for offering. I am trying to catch up with my friend, she played a rather mean prank and left me. Would you mind?"

"No problem. Come on."

It took some time to find Terra's car but there was currently only one way she could have gone. Loki told his human to stay well back. The man played music and chattered away about whatever asinine things interested him. Loki laid his head back and tried to sleep.

Terra's car pulled into a building's lot and stopped. Loki directed the human to go around a few streets before stopping. He stepped out, stretching slowly.

"Well, thank you for your help..."

"Nick." The man smiled.

"Nick. You may go." The vehicle drove away and Loki's hold on his mind quickly left him. It stopped in the middle of the road, no doubt as the man gained his senses back and realized he was utterly lost. Loki smiled. If only the human race could be so easily manipulated as one. But his abilities were limited to two or three. With the mind gem at his disposal, it might make things easier but he would have to take over this ridiculous planet by force.

With a small sigh, Loki walked to the building Terra had gone into. He stopped a man coming out. "You. Where can I find the owner of this building?"

The man leaned away. "First room on your left." He walked away, giving Loki a wide berth.

The owner was a woman by the name of Wendy. She was more intelligent than Nick and required a stronger mental hold but he got the better of her finally. Within the hour, Loki had himself an "apartment."

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