Chapter 12

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"M-116." A voice said. "Danger level: four."

"Yeah but who is she?"

Terra opened her eyes slowly. She was laying on a silver countertop. A man in a purple shirt stood next to her. He adjusted his glasses and looked at another man.

Terra squinted at him, recognizing him from somewhere. Her thoughts were fuzzy, like her brain was stuffed with wool. She knew this man...

"Terra Nolan." He said, reading from a file. "Female. Age twenty-three. Natural mutant. She's from Virginia. Lives in DC. She's a waitress at two jobs."

"So why does Phil want me to watch her?" The purple shirt asked.

"Dunno. Ask him."

He was on the news. Someone important. Wealthy... "Stark?" She croaked. They both looked at her.

"He-hey! She's awake!" Tony Stark came to lean over her. "Good morning, gorgeous. How're you feeling?"

She sat up and he moved away. "Where am I?"

"SHIELD." Said the other man, pushing Tony away. "My name's Bruce. I'm here to help out, okay?"

She swung her legs off the stainless steel counter and nodded. "Where's Phil?"

"Busy." Tony shrugged. "Probably chasing after Tightass." She frowned at him. "Steve Rogers."

"Oh." If Rogers was here then so was Loki. He had taken him into custody. "How are you helping?" She looked back at Bruce.

He adjusted his glasses. "I've got a little experience with losing control. I guess I can relate? I'm really not sure."

"Are you a mutant too?"

Tony snickered. "He turns into a raging green monster, it's pretty epic. You saw what happened to Harlem?"

Bruce shoved him out of the way. "Anyway, you can come down." She jumped off the counter and stood in front of him. He was her height, probably close to forty, a scientist by the looks of the vials and computers around them. She shivered.

"What are you going to do?"

Bruce followed her gaze. "Oh! I'm not the one in charge of mutant containment. I'm just supposed to babysit you."

Nodding slowly, she pushed away from him and walked around. A glint of gold caught her eye. She turned to stare at the scepter. A small smile crept up but she hid it quickly. All she had to do was find Loki. A door slid open.

"What have they done with him?" She asked Bruce.

"My brother is well contained." A voice boomed. She jumped and turned to face the newcomer. A tall, muscled man covered in silver armor stood before her. He tilted his head and stared down at her. "You must be the woman he seems so concerned about." He held a hand out. "Thor."

"Holy mother, you're huge." She whispered.

He smiled. "And what might your name be?"

"Terra. You uh... You're not gonna hurt me right?" She eyed his muscles warily.

Thor chuckled as she shook his hand slowly. "I believe she is well within her own control. Perhaps his hold on her has faded with the medicine the Son of Coul gave her."

"Huh?" She shook her head.

Tony pointed at the scepter. "We think Loki was controlling you. Question is why? What's so special about you that he needs you to fight with him?"

"He wasn't. Loki's my friend. I met him a few months back and he's been helping me."

Thor frowned. "And you agreed to help him in return?"

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