Chapter 11

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Loki had more than just the beginnings of an army. His underground base was filled with soldiers and scientists, all working to prepare weapons and plans for an attack. The Tesseract was in the hands of a man named Erik Slevig. He was trying to open a portal. Loki said it was to allow him access to Asgard, to return home and see his mother.

"I only want to be sure that she is alright. And once I've done that, I can free my sons and bring them here. They'll be more comfortable without Odin's hand constantly on their backs."

Terra had stopped walking at the mention of sons. "You... Have kids?"

Loki turned to her, unconcerned with what this implied. "I do. Three boys, one girl."

"B-By who? A wife?"

He smiled and pulled her to him. "I would not have strived to court you if I only planned to leave you to return to my wife. No, I am

She nodded slowly. "Okay. You said Odin. I looked it all up on the way here. All the Norse Myths-"

"Are true. Or at least, some of them. The people are real."

She looked up at him with wide eyes. "Your kids-"

"Are animals. Hela is the queen of the dead."


He sighed. "The only woman I ever loved before you. She's married to another now." His small smile turned wistful and faraway.


His steps faltered. He corrected her pronunciation with a soft murmur before raising his gaze to study her. Her own eyes were wide with horror. He looked away.

"Loki, I'm so sorry." She whispered. She moved so she was all he could see. "I'm so, so sorry." She hugged him tightly, burying her face in his chest.

Loki pried her off him and sniffed, dusting himself off while he tried to pull his emotions into check. "It's in the past. Have you any other questions?"

"What happened? In Asgard?"

They kept walking. He told her about his realization that he was not Asgardian, that he was a monster, that Odin had never loved him. His voice choked when he recounted his battle with Thor and the fall that had ended it.

"I woke up in a place called The Sanctuary. Thanos, my employer, offered me a realm desperately in need of a king if I could bring him the Tesseract. I am to use it to see my family and then it is his."

"What does he want with it?"

"That is none of my concern. Whatever he plans, Midgard - er... Earth is to remain untouched."

Terra looked sidelong at him. He walked with longer strides and a higher chest, with his chin high and eyes always glinting with malicious glee. His voice was deeper and throatier, resting in a kind of rasp just at the top of his throat. It sent chills down her back every time he whispered something to her, which he had recently developed a penchant for. He was no longer the human she met on the mountain. Part of her wondered if she was okay with that. She sighed.

Loki wrapped an arm around her and steered her into an empty hallway. "You should get some rest. We have long days ahead." He opened a door to a dark bedroom. The light flickered almost uselessly, barely illuminating the single bed. There wasn't anything else in the room.

A wave of exhaustion washed over her as she sat on the edge of the bed. Loki pushed her down and drew the covers over her shoulder. He kissed her temple before murmuring that she should sleep for as long as she needed. The door closed behind him.

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