Chapter 7: The Elements

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The forest clearing was unusually silent, a hushed audience of one awaiting Terra's wisdom. Tall trees framed the area, their ancient trunks like the pillars of a natural cathedral. Terra, a druidess with dark tattoos shifting and flowing fluidly across her skin, looked across the circle of dirt to where Callum stood. She was the elemental trainer and Callum's teacher for the next phase of his training. Callum knew very little about her other than Rose mentioning "she's okay."

"Every druid," she began, "has a natural affinity for at least one of the five common elements—earth, water, air, fire, and lightning."

Callum fidgeted uncomfortably, his thoughts drifting to the green flames Lord Rowan encouraged him to hide.... flames that were far from natural.

"Do you feel a connection to any of these elements, Callum?" Terra asked, her gaze searching his face.

"I... I don't know," he answered evasively, avoiding her eyes. "I can't say I feel particularly drawn to any of them."

A soft laugh escaped Terra's lips. "It's not always about what we feel, Callum. The affinity is there whether you acknowledge it or not."

She raised her hand and the dirt shifted. Particles shot into a central point a few feet above the ground. The minerals from the dirt compiled and condensed into a rock which Terra directed to float around her by guiding it with her finger.

"Every element has its own energy, its own frequency... some think they even have their own personalities," Terra continued. "It's not about bending them to our will, but about harmonizing with them. Once you recognize that connection, the elements will respond to you."

Callum clenched his fists, biting his lip. He could sense Terra's expectations, sense that she wanted to unlock his potential as a druid. But he was afraid his green fire would be seen and inform everyone of who his mother was.

Terra was empathic enough to accurately sense Callum's feelings. "Fear is a barrier, Callum. If you fear the elements, you will never master them."

"Sorry... I'm new to this whole druid thing... it's a big adjustment, I guess," he said with a shrug of the shoulders. "Can we try this again some other time?"

Terra nodded. "As you wish. Just keep in mind, mastering an element is a requirement for you to grow from sapling to druid. The Archdruids will not grant you the title if you cannot unlock your elemental affinity." The druidess snapped her fingers and the rock she created shattered into a fine powdery dirt. "Meet me back here when you're ready."

As Callum left the forest clearing, the weight of Terra's words haunted him like an incessant melody. The forest seemed to grow darker, as if it too sensed his inner turmoil. He took deep, steadying breaths as he made his way to Lord Rowan's office at Little Yggdrasil. Of all people, Rowan would know how to navigate the tightrope between elemental affinity and dangerous secret powers.

Upon reaching the office, he knocked softly on the carved wooden door after using his magic to reveal the entrance like he saw Lord Rowan do on the first day he entered the Sacred Grove.

The door swung open immediately. "Ah, Callum, come in," Rowan gestured for him to take a seat.

"I spoke with Terra today about my elemental affinity," Callum started, his eyes scanning the spines of ancient tomes that lined Rowan's shelves as if they might contain the answers he sought. "She says I won't progress without mastering an element, but I'm... hesitant."

Rowan sighed, the seasoned wrinkles on his face deepening. "Ah, the green fire."

Callum nodded, a mixture of relief and dread washing over him. It was a comfort to talk to someone who understood, yet the topic itself was far from comforting.

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