Chapter 13: Visionary/The Girl Who Knew Too Much

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Third Person POV:

"Don't you dare fight me on this." Skylar ordered, tossing a duffle bag into the bed of her truck. Hopping into the back, she grabbed a tarp and started covering the different things she had packed. "You need to get away, trust me, I should know."

"I can take care of myself." Derek huffed.

"Really? Because it seems like you're doing a shit job at it." She rolled her eyes before squeezing them shut and exhaling. Watching her amusingly, Derek could see the female wrestle her temper down. Turning around, Skylar opened her mouth to apologize, only to be met with the werewolf pulling her beanie down over her eyes.

"Relax Sky, you don't have to walk around on eggshells with me." Derek stated as Sky fixed her beanie, glaring at him. "I appreciate the thought, but really-"

"Derek, get in the truck." Sky ordered, glaring at the werewolf. "And don't make me kidnap you."

"Alright, alright." Derek held his hands up in surrender, getting into the passenger seat. "Where are we going?"

"History." Sky vaguely mumbled, putting the truck in reverse and backing out of her driveway. Shifting it to drive, she pressed down on the gas and headed out of Beacon Hills. After about 14 hours of driving, she put the truck in park at a cabin. Hopping out of the truck, Sky glanced around the clearing. Closing the door, Derek didn't even stir at the sounds. Smiling sadly, Sky unloaded the luggage and supplies, placing them both in the separate bedrooms. After making a bed, the huntress opened the passenger door.

"Hey Derek, I'm sorry, but you need to wake up." Sky called softly, knowing that Derek hadn't gotten very much sleep since Boyd died. "Come on bud, wake up." Groaning, Derek shifted while blinking to clear the blurriness, his eyes automatically turning red to see in the dark.

"Where are we?" Derek asked, his voice hoarse and scratchy from sleeping.

"A safe place." Sky assured, guiding him out of the seat and into the house, showing him the made bed. Closing the front door and locking it, she entered the bedroom to see him curled up under the covers. Holding in a chuckle, the female smiled at the relaxed features of Derek's face. Don't think about it Sky, he's in a relationship with someone who isn't damaged. Why would he even think about leaving a wonderful relationship with a wonderful person whose perfect to be with someone like you?

*****(Week Later)*****

Stiles: How old is Peter?

Stiles: How old is Derek?Stiles: Wait, how old even are you?

Skylar: Peter's 33, Derek's 26, and I'm 25.

"So Sky wasn't there?" Stiles asked, looking up from his phone. He was confused about when exactly the huntress had popped up on the radar. "When did she come into play?"

"We didn't meet Sky until about 6 months after." Peter answered. "She was different from the rest, Laura sought her out in hopes of friendship almost immediately. We were young, and dumb, so the cycle repeated."

"Skylar was bit by an Alpha?" Stiles's eyebrows furrowed.

"No, but Derek still fell in love with her." Peter sighed. "After Paige died, he was depressed and always moping around. In school, no one could really tell a difference. But at home, it was noticeable. When Sky came into our lives, she brought back the joyous Derek sometimes. She knew exactly what to say, when to say it, and how to say it."

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