Chapter 16: Lunar Eclipse

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Skylar POV:

Waiting...that's one action that always aggravated me. I was more of a 'go and do it' type of person, which is why I always loved a good chase over waiting in one spot for something to come near me. Plus, it was easier to exercise Chante that way. Flipping the page of a magazine from the waiting room, I finished reading it for the fifth time. Groaning, I ran a hand down my face and tossed the magazine away, staring at the floating bodies of the sacrifice trio. As I started to rebraid my hair yet once again, they gasped for air and got out of the ice baths, slinging water all over the place. After a jumble of excited voices, Scott met my gaze. "We can find it."

"What?" Allison asked as we four exchanged looks.

"You guys were out a long time." Isaac informed.

"How long is a long time?" Stiles asked.

"16 hours." I answered.

"We've been in the water for 16 hours?" Scott repeated.

"Which means that the full moon happens in less than 4." I added. And at that, the teenagers started planning, and I exited the scene, going to grab some food for us all. After giving our orders to a lady at the diner, Stiles called me (Deaton had kindly gone to grab my phone from Derek's apartment earlier). "Hey-"

"Will you tell Scott that it's a bad idea to go back to the Alpha Pack?" Stiles exclaimed, interrupting me.

"Scott, are you seriously thinking about going back?" I groaned.

"I made a deal with Deucalion." Scott stated, probably having told them this several times over.

"Which is like a deal with the Devil!" Stiles interjected.

"Not too far from the truth, Deucalion does call himself a Demon Wolf."

"Is that even real?" Allison asked.

"No, he's just a cocky son of a bitch who's read too many stories."

"Either way, why does it even matter?" Isaac asked.

"Because I'm not sure we can beat Jennifer without him." Scott sighed.

"Just tell him it's wrong." Allison pleaded.

"Listen, as much as I hate Deucalion, Scott kinda has a point." I winced as I spoke. "I've killed lots of things, but a Darach is not one of them. I'm still going to kill him, but we might just need Deucalion's help."

"So we're going to trust this guy? The guy that calls himself Death Destroyer of Worlds?" Isaac skeptically questioned.

"Not trust, use." I rolled my eyes, picking up the bags of our food and walking out to the truck. "Take advantage of the resource that we now have."

"Hold on a second." Stiles interrupted me yet again. When he came back, his voice was frantic. "Change of plans Sky, get to Derek's as soon as you can."

"Why? What's up?" I asked, pausing at the stop sign.

"Kali and Aiden are going to kill Derek." Scott informed. Growling in annoyance, I hung up and floored it, leaving skid marks and a trail of black smoke as I sped to Derek's apartment. Slamming the door shut after parking the truck, I nodded to Ethan and Lydia before leading the way up to Derek's apartment.

"Well well well, look who's here." Peter chuckled as I slid the door open. "How was the hunt, Huntress?"

"Fuck off." I glared at him, noting the health of Cora. Wracking my brain for answers, I chuckled and smiled at Derek, knowing that he had finally gotten over his ego and given up his Alpha power to save his little sister. Sadly, it meant that he was even more outmatched against Kali. Thankfully, it meant that I could have a shot at her.

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