Chapter 37: Werewolves Of London

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Skylar POV:

Tapping my foot while keeping a watchful eye on our surroundings, I stayed close to Scott as he listened in to his mom's surgery. Knowing that he'd be too worried about her to pay attention to any hunters that might show up, Malia and I had tagged along to the hospital. Noticing the tenseness leaving Scott's shoulders, I let out a breath of relief, knowing that Melissa was going to be okay. Within the following half-hour, he was allowed to see her right after the nurse gave her more sedative.

"Where's my dad?" Scott questioned, worried about the safety of our shared parent. Coming to stand beside him, I rested one hand on my thigh holster while my other played with my silver wolfsbane-engraved knife, twirling it around my hand expertly.

"Transferred to San Francisco Memorial. He's gonna be fine." Sheriff Stilinski reassured.

"Okay. And what about Mason?" Scott added.

"Already out of surgery." The Sheriff answered.

"Lydia?" Scott finished his check-ups.

"She's all right, too. The bullet missed everything that matters, thank god." The Sheriff glanced at me before continuing. "Scott, we got lucky."

"They almost died." Scott stated.

"But they're gonna live. We're gonna have two deputies posted here around the clock. Nobody sets foot on this floor without my authorization." Sheriff Stilinski informed. "Scott, I got a pretty good idea how you're feeling right now. But the whole Sheriff's department is gonna be on this. I am gonna find out who did this."

"We both know who did this." Scott sighed, shaking his head as he continued towards the elevator. Keeping in step with him, I glanced suspiciously at the Sheriff's Deputies, not trusting anyone at the moment.

"I'm going to head to the school, keep an eye on the ones there." I informed, glancing at my phone to check the time. "Where will you be?"

"I don't know." Scott shrugged, pressing the button to the lower floor. "I just that it's time to act. They went too far for peace."

"Thank god." I smirked. "I thought I was going to have to use my big-sister card on you to convince you."


"You're really gonna kill him? I mean, I don't care if you do. But, have you thought this through? Any idea where you're gonna dump the body? But no one saw you grab him, did they? 'Cause, that could be a problem." An unknown voice spoke as I eased into the locker room, my footsteps quiet.

"I don't care." Liam grit out.

"I don't care, either." The voice sounded as if he shrugged. "But, at least let me help. I'm the one with experience here. If we kill him, we'll have to find the witnesses and kill them, too. Which means we're gonna need shovels, some plastic bags, maybe a chainsaw..."

"Oh, definitely a chainsaw." I announced my presence, nonchalantly leaning against the wall behind the trio. The new kid transformed smoothly before spinning around to face me, only stopping at Liam's call.

"Theo, that's Scott's older sister, Skylar." Liam informed, causing the older boy to back off.

"I like this one." I looked Theo up and down before smiling. "I'm gonna keep him."

"Did you seriously walk into a school wearing, that?" Liam looked at my blatant display of weapons, still holding the kid against the mirror.

"We're currently in enemy territory, Liam." I deadpanned. "If you think for one second that I wouldn't come in here with all of this, you really don't know me."

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