Chapter 15: Alpha Pact

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Third Person POV:

"What is she doing?" Stiles hissed while he looked at Skylar. As soon as they had entered the apartment (Derek had woken up on the way), Sky had gone into the bathroom, just now emerging with her hand covered in bandages and changed into different clothes.

"Who knows." Isaac sighed, glancing at his guardian before looking back at Cora. After disappearing from the car, Peter had shown back up at the apartment, now looking at Sky. The two seemed to be holding a silent conversation, which slightly confused him. For some odd reason that they weren't inclined to share, Peter and Sky still had a strong connection despite everything they did to each other. Looking back at Cora, he grimaced as black blood dotted her lips. "She's dying, isn't she?"

"I don't know." Derek mumbled.

"So what are you going to do?" Isaac asked.

"I don't know." Derek shrugged. As Isaac was about to speak again, Sky interrupted, laying a hand on Derek's shoulder.

"I'm not going to have my phone, so if you need me, you'll have to find me. And be careful. I'll probably shoot first and ask questions later." Sky informed.

"Where are you going?" Isaac asked.

"To take care of some annoyances." Sky answered honestly, squeezing Derek's shoulder as a goodbye before leaving the apartment.

"You really going to let her go get herself killed without a word?" Peter asked Derek, his nephew looking up at him with a slightly dead look in his eyes, glaring harshly. "Never mind." The oldest werewolf growled, sitting down on the couch.

Outside, Sky got on her motorcycle and sped away, not stopping until she was deep in the preserve. Turning off the bike and stuffing the key in her pocket, she got out her gun and started hiking. Normally, she would've brought food with her, but Sky knew that she wouldn't be gone as long as normal. Why? Well, because the Lunar Eclipse was only two nights away. And on that night, Sky just knew that the Darach was going to kill Sheriff Stilinski and Melissa, along with a third victim.

As the sun began to rise above the horizon and paint the sky shades of orange and red and purple, Sky found a spot to watch it, gun still in her hand as she stood facing East. The rage that had flooded her senses and sent her on the hunt had dissipated from her now worry-clouded brain. She didn't know how she knew, but suddenly she felt it--a change in the air. Later on, she'd struggle to describe it, saying that it was almost like a blast of cold wind carrying the whispers of who she imagined were other Ice Dragons since the beginning of time.

And the message they carried made Sky's legs fail her, crumbling into a heap on the ground, sobbing. Her brothers, both of them, were gone. Scott, her half-brother, the one who desperately tried to save everyone, had been taken by Deucalion in order to stop his process of becoming a true alpha. In order to do so, her precious little brother was going to have to kill, something that would change his morals. But that wasn't what made her break. No, it was that Chris, her adopted brother, that he was gone. Taken by the Darach. While Scott had been Sky's little brother, Chris had been her older brother.

Gerard had been firm and like a slave-driver. He expected her to know everything without being taught, so to avoid her getting punished by the patriarch of the Argent family, Chris had taught Sky almost everything she knew. Yes, some tricks of the trade were learned from Gerard, but it was Chris that got Sky through the hard times. He had been the constant in Sky's life, the person that she knew--thought--would always be there, no matter what would happen. But now he was gone too. Everyone, at one time or the other, always seemed to leave Sky.

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