Chapter 30: Weaponized

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Skylar POV:

"Hey, what'd the doctors say?" I asked as I entered the waiting room, my eyes immediately finding Derek.

"She's in surgery right now. They think she'll be fine." Derek informed, patting his legs. "You alright?"

"Yeah." I nodded, sitting down in his lap and throwing my legs over the side of the chair. "Why're you asking?"

"Because you look like you didn't get any sleep last night." Derek hummed.

"That's because I didn't." I admitted, my eyes suddenly feeling very heavy. "I stayed at the school all night trying to figure out where Satomi's pack could be."

"How'd you know it was Satomi's?" Derek frowned, confused at my knowledge.

"Figured she was still around here somewhere." I shrugged, tracing random shapes on his collarbone. "And since I didn't recognize the other names, I thought that they were in her pack. She's one of the few Alpha's I've heard of that would rather teach her pack to hide instead of teaching them to fight. One thing led to another, and I ended up at Lookout Point." I was interrupted by a yawn, making Derek chuckle.

"Get some sleep Sky, I'll wake you up if the doctors have any news." Derek ordered.

"No, I'll be fine." I shook my head, spotting the coffee machine. "Just need some more coffee."

"Okay." Derek sighed, apparently not in the mood to argue with me. Instead, he went with me, standing beside me as I poured a cup. "How exactly do you know Braeden?"

"I never said that I knew her." I glanced up at him before fitting the lid onto the cup.

"You don't get this concerned about someone you've only met once before." Derek stated. "So, what's the story?"

"I was 19, and it was one of my first lone hunts." I started, going to sit down again, this time in my own chair. "It was against an entire pack. All of them were killers--even the Druid, and I wasn't near as good as I am now..."

5 Years Ago

"Damn it." tearing off the sleeve of my shirt and wrapping it around my leg. While many of the wounds I had were just scraps, one of the werewolves had managed to knick me pretty deep and it was bleeding heavily. "You stupid, stupid girl." I growled, aggravated with myself. "How do you expect to take on a whole pack of Alphas if you can't even kill one?"

"Oh, little hunter! Come out and play!" One of the werewolves called, making me freeze. We were in some tunnels below an abandoned nuclear plant, meaning that I wasn't able to pinpoint exactly where they were due to the echo. Hearing his footsteps get closer and closer, I knew that a gunshot would only bring the others running. They weren't like me, they were able to track using their hearing much easier.

"So you're the new hunter that Gerard Argent decided to indoctrinate." The werewolf cornered me with his arms, a feral grin crossing his face as I tensed. "I have to admit, you're a pretty little thing. Maybe I'll have a little fun with you before killing you."

"Not likely." I mumbled, grabbing my knife from my boot and stabbing it into his neck, pulling it out and kicking him away from me. Gulping for breath, I clenched my fist and started to move away from the body. Just as I was rounding a corner, I froze at the sight of the Alpha standing in front of me. Turning to run away with the hopes that she hadn't seen me, a gun barrel met me.

"Move." The druid ordered lowly, the male nodding towards the Alpha. I hesitated, glancing between the barrel and the Alpha. "Now!"

"Marcus, she's trying to figure out if she can disarm you before you pull the trigger." The alpha chuckled, turning to look at me. "You're a dangerous one, I'll give you that." I refused to speak, which apparently angered the remaining pack members.

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