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One week later

It was another boring day with my boyfriend ,JJ maybank. When I woke up I had to make breakfast because JJ cannot move his ass up from the bed. "JAYJ!" I shout to him. "Wwhhaatt..." He says tiredly. "WHAT DO YOU WANT FOR BREAKFAST." I respond to him. He suddenly appeared in front of me in his PJs rubing his eye. "Anything" he comes and helps me make breakfast. We made cold waffles only because we didn't have a working microwave. "Ehhh. I mean we could've made it better but what's the fuss." I say playing around with my food. "Cupcake, I also agree" He says stabbing his food.

Knock knock

"Go get the door!" JJ says slumping in his chair. "NO" I say giving him a stare. "Fine" he says rolling his eyes. He got up and answered the door. He stood there saying nothing. "J?" He shuts the door and storms to his(or ours) room.

Knock knock

I walk to the door and then opened the door. It was his dad. "What. Do. You. Want?" I say with an angry but disgusted look on my face. Even thought I didn't know JJ's dad I knew JJ didn't like him. He pushes me against the wall and pulled me by my shirt. "GIVE MY FUCKING SON BACK!" He says punching me between each word he says. I screamed once until with one final punch I was knocked out.

JJ's Pov

When I heard a scream I came out of the room with my dad standing in front of Y/N that's knocked out with bruises all on her face. I run up to him punching him so hard a toothe knocked out and probably a broken nose. I kneel down toward Y/N crying trying to wake her up. Sarah and John b suddenly come out the Twinkie and they just stood there when they saw the mess. "Oh my god! Y/N, JJ what happened?" Sarah says dropping the bags of food. They helped me to put my dad on a chair outside until he woke up and then put Y/N on the couch. It took the whole day and the whole night for her to wake up. I didn't even sleep the night. I got too anxious and too scared. When she finally woke up I stood up immediately and went to her. "Cupcake!" I say to her and hug her. "Woah easy mate!" She says looking at me weirdly. "How are you?" "Ummm first who are you and secondly I'm feeling a bit of but other than that I'm fine." She say trying to get up and falls. "Fuck" She then says silently. "Let me help." I say to her "Get off. I don't even know you so... Ye just don't." She says slowly backing away. "What do you mean you don't know me I'm JJ, Papa j? J. Any of these ring a bell?" She shakes her head "I'm your boyfriend." I say starting to tear up. "You know...hi I'm Y/N." She says struggling to get up, she then puts her hand out so I can shake it. I stood there speechless. "Yes I know who you are. But please tell me you aren't joking." I say now starting to cry. "Ok so... no I am not joking but you can be my friend?" She says offering me a deal. Sarah comes out of nowhere. "Y/N you're up!" She says squeeling and running to her. "Sar! Hi yes I'm up but who's this?" "Your boyfriend. JJ!" She stands there then thumping on the couch. She rubbes her temple. "Fuck, my head hurts so much." She says. "Do you have any-" she says but then faints. "Y/N! No please." I say catching her in time. "We have to get her to the hospital." Sarah says to me. "But my dad will be first." I say, carefully putting her on the couch. I get into different clothes.

(If you need an image of what he's wearing then I will show you.)


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