1.~ first impression.

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Mingyu was heading back to his dorm after a long day of class, Earlier that day though his parents had informed him about a roommate. It was pretty normal to mingyu though, he had new roommates all the time, but something about this roommate felt, different.

There was just something about him. Like a feeling, but mingyu didn't want to ruin this, he didn't feel this before, There was just something that didn't go away, it was just.. there. But he hasn't met this said roommate yet, it just kept appearing whenever he though about him. He didn't know what it was, well, whatever it was he didn't really mind. It kept him from being sad and other negative feelings. However when he asked his friends they just told him it was a "sign" he wondered what they meant by that?

Anyways he just forgot about it since he wanted to get it off his mind, so he went to a nearby café to clear his mind. Besides he needed this, alot of stuff had been going on. He just waited until his parents would tell him when his soon to be roommate was on the way.

Then he got the text, the text from his parents, the text read, "he's otw, don't be late." So he went to their dorm obviously so he wouldn't be late.

Then he entered the dormitory he would share, he wasn't sure why his parents were so supportive of him being roommates with someone he didn't even know, well it turns out, he was actually The son of his parents childhood best friends. 'oh that's why's he thought. But he didn't mind really. Also thought the guy was kind of cute. But he would never like him that way.

One, because his parents aren't supportive of him being bisexual and especially if they found out it was their bestfriends son.

But all those thoughts faded away when he heard someone ring the doorbell, 'hes here'.


sorry this au is really bad I'm suffering from writer's block and shit. But anw thank you if y'all r still reading this thing | pls vote <33

Chapter 1 of flowers🤍🧸

꽃들 | flowers - Minwon / Wongyu au Where stories live. Discover now