4.~ passed out.

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Mingyu heard a loud crash, coming from Wonwoo's room. 'shit, is wonwoo home?' Mingyu thought. He had just got back from crying his eyes out at Jun's place he didn't want to deal with any more stuff.  But still, he checked the living room making sure the older hadn't gotten hurt in any way. He hated how even if he was hurt, he still cared for him. Why did it have to be like that? he cared for people that would never care for him. Once he got to Wonwoo's room he found the older passed out on the floor of his room. 'What happened here?' Mingyu mumbled, Taking the older to his bed. Wonwoo was obviously drunk the previous night. 'hmm what- Is that a hickey?!?' Mingyu thought, noticing the multiple red areas on the olders neck. 'what did he do last night geez' Mingyu thought to himself again, Putting some water on Wonwoo's side table just incase he woke up. Then shortly after he left. He didn't want to be there when Wonwoo woke up of course.


Wonwoo woke up on his bed with water on top of his side table. 'Who put that there?' Wonwoo thought, looking at the water bottle. He didn't remember bringing a bottle of water home. It must've been Mingyu. 'Shit, mingyu was in here?' He thought. He got the water and opened it, drinking it until it was almost finished. Right now he couldn't think, his head hurt and he was looking in the mirror, He had some hickeys he assumed Leia gave him, stepping into the shower feeling the cold water hit his skin he wandered away in his thoughts. He didn't remember "doing that" last night. It was all just.. Blurry. It seemed like a dream, he didnt even remember going to sleep. It all just, happened. He didn't regret it per say but he did wish he was at least a little sober, she could have asked permission since it was their first time meeting. But the past is the past i guess, besides its not the first time he's done something like this. He wasn't a 'professional' but it wasn't new to him either.


Once he got out of the shower he put his clothes on and dried his hair, He walked out of his room and the smell of sinigang hit his nose.

Wonwoo awkwardly said, Mingyu was currently cooking and he wanted to apologize for yesterday day. He didn't want to, but he had to. He didn't want the next few years to be awkward between them.

"o-oh hi."
Mingyu said, His voice was quiet Wonwoo almost couldn't hear it.

"Okay, im sorry for being a bit of a asshole yesterday. I just wasnt in the mood, Im sorry."
Wonwoo said breaking the awkward silence.

"a-ah, no its- its okay."
Mingyu said, internally cursing at himself for stuttering.

"No. Its not, i heard you crying after i slammed the door. Im really sorry, i shouldn't have done that."
Wonwoo said.

"he heard that?"
Mingyu mumbled under his breath but Wonwoo heard it.

"yes i did and i shouldn't have slammed the door im really sorry, ill wash the dishes to make up for it?"
Wonwoo said, he sounded genuine. Like he really meant it.

"o-oh okay"
Mingyu said, light pink tinting his cheeks. 'Fuck, stop blushing he'll see' Mingyu internally cursed at himself when suddenly, Wonwoo hugged his back. "Oh im sorry i just uh- it was uh-" Wonwoo tried explaining. "N-no its okay" Mingyu blushed.

"oh okay if you say so."
Wonwoo shrugged before back hugging the younger again.'This is just a friendly hug.' Mingyu told himself, He couldn't help but blush. He just never hugged someone like this, it felt so... Sincere? It was like a hug that made him feel safe, Like nothing could hurt him. He just didn't want to lose this friendship, even if Wonwoo was cold yesterday he changed. He apologized and hugged Mingyu, he assumed it was time to befriend Wonwoo, he couldn't live in the same dorm with some guy that he hates.

"Oh- also, do you want to be friends? It's okay if not but uh- yeah."
Mingyu struggled to explain. "Sure." Wonwoo replied, still back hugging Mingyu. He had to admit, also he didn't think friends usually did that, but he wanted to, He just wanted to. He didn't know why it just felt.. Right. It didn't feel weird it felt different, like it didn't feel like a hug he would normally give say, to his parents. It wasn't a bad feeling either it felt comfortable.


A few a days later.
Things were going good between the two, they got along well and talked alot actually. This was progress for mingyu since Wonwoo wasn't cold. He talked often and ate the food Mingyu cooked, washing the dishes after too. Sometimes they ate in silence, not like before though. It was comfortable silence, sneaking quick glances at each other when the other one wasn't looking.  Mingyu was happy with what they had now. Actually, more than happy.

Mingyu thought as he walked to school, even if he did have a dorm it was still a 15 minute walk since their campus was pretty big. Mingyu didn't have any classes with Wonwoo though, they didn't have the same course either. Mingyu's course was med and Wonwoo's course was Multi media arts. Very different. But then the thoughts lingering in his mind went away when he stepped into class. Sitting down on his chair he pulled out his phone and waited for their professor, putting his phone down when class started. Their professor first greeted them before doing attendance, after that class started. they wouldn't be doing much actually just some boring lectures, but their did say he had something to announce at the end of class. That was the only thing that kept Mingyu from just walking out the room halfway through.

After the long boring lecture it was finally time for the announcement. their teacher did tell them it was an important one so Mingyu was pretty excited, he wasn't normally that excited for announcements but he just had a feeling this one would be different. So basically, he's always wanted to go camping or to sleep in a cabin. That why he was hoping their teacher would say that for the announcement today. Their professor was currently in the bathroom since he said he had to go. Once their professor got back he got ready for this so called "super special" announcement. Breaking the silence their professor spoke about the announcement, "we will be going camping and sleeping in cabins, i know alot of you wanted this." his teacher spoke while chuckling, they would be going camping and sleeping in cabins, just like he wanted.


heyaaaa, i just wanted to say hi LMAOSKSK but i hope you guys are enjoying so far ! pls vote <333

Chapter 3 of flowers🤍🧸

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 19, 2023 ⏰

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