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She's lost
But she is willing.
Her heart crying out is a constant
During the day she cries from the sweet stab of sin
During the night, from regret.
Her mouth knows no other words but sorry.
And she is.
She knows not how to start again, but she wants to...
Oh how desperately she wants to.
She has tried everything! She has talked to everyone! And yet again she remains the same.

She is tired of living this way.
Every day she walks with no direction
She runs with no destination.
Her breath runs out from her tiredness,
she wants to stop.
She needs to stop.
But she only knows one way, and this path leads to more wrath than she knows now.

Her heart crying out is a constant
During the day her heart cries out every day from the sweet stab of sin.
During the night, from regret.
She knows she shouldn't have done it
She knows she shouldn't have said it
She knows everything...
yet she knows nothing.

Or at least she wants to know nothing.
She wants to be ignorant to the evil she has become addicted to.
She wants to kill the cat that caused this curiosity,
The curiosity that sent her down this hole!
She wants to know nothing!

She is tired, she is scared
She isn't who she used to be.
She wants to be herself again.
She wants her smile back, she wants her laugh back, She wants her innocence back!

They used to compliment her smile
now they ask her where it's gone.
Their "you're always so happy" has turned to
"what happened to you."
She wants it all back.
Her joy has turned to anger because she knows no other way,
They have all let her down and even if they didn't, in her mind they did.

The mind.
Oh the tricks it can play,
That she tend not to see the people who care for her so much
because she doesn't care about herself anymore.

She is Lost...
And she wants everything the devil took from her back.

She no longer wants to be who she once was,
She wants to be greater, happier, more successful, more spiritual, more Holy....
She wants to be...

She begins to speak to God,
She begins to speak the words in his Holy Book
Because she begins to understand that what are words to some, is life to her.
So she speaks that life...
She speaks it every day!
And as promised by who was once a stranger to her, it begins to come to pass

During the day she cried from the sweet stab of sin
During the night, from regret.
Until the Lord heard her cry...

Then the tears of misery transformed,
Because after that last tear dropped...

She finally saw hope.

She was Lost
But My God was she willing.

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