Chapter 10- Tutoring ~ 😏

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Next day at afternoon practice....

Yuu N: 👀🍵

Ryu T: *smirks*

Kei T: tsk

Tadashi Y: ...

Tobio K: *sips milk*

Daichi S: why tho?

Koushi S: yeah?

Shoyo H: uhmm... My mother keeps nagging at me that if I didn't do well in the up coming test I'm ban from playing! 😩

Asahi A: *prays for Hinata*

Koushi S: oh! Are you leaving early because you're going to study?

Shoyo H: yeah

Koushi S: but...

Daichi S: yeah but why is Sukuna waiting for you l.. outside?

Shoyo H: H-he volunteer to tutor me 👉👈

Koushi S: 💭 volunteer... Huh💭

Daichi S: *sighs* alright you're free to leave.

Shoyo H: 😲 t-thanke! *Bows*

Daichi S: study hard hinata. It's gonna be a waste if you can't play volleyball at all.

Koushi S: yes my baby study hard! Don't worry you'll do well! *Hugs hinata*

Shoyo H: thanks Suga-san! *Smiles*

Yuu N: goodluck kouhai! 😏

Ryu T: yeah goodluck! Your upperclassmen will support you! 😏👀

Shoyo H: *tilts head confused* okay!

Daichi S: *bonks the two* stop that.

Koushi S: behave children. 🙂

Yuu N & Ryu T: yes ma'am! 😨 💭 he's really scary! 😩💭

Koushi S: anyways, go on hinata! And goodluck!

Asahi A: I'm praying for your studies hinata-kun 🙏

Shoyo: byeeee *waves runnig out*


Shoyo H: pardon the instruction...

Ryomen S: *chuckles* I leave alone...

Shoyo H: *turns super red* wha-

Ryomen S: don't worry*pats his head* I won't do anything to you~

Sukuna walks upstairs on his bedroom followed by Hinata

Shoyo H: B-but where's Yuuji-san living?

Ryomen S: dorms with the others

Shoyo H: 😲

Ryomen S: he comes from time to time to cook and clean the house since I'm mostly in practice.

Shoyo H: ohh

Ryomen S: but... *traps hinata in the wall with his right hand and elbow on top of hinata's head and leans his face forward*
(He's towering over Hinata)

Shoyo H: *squaks panicking* w-wha...?

Ryomen S: it's not fair sho-chan ~

Shoyo H: what is-?

Ryomen S: you call my brother by his first name~ while you're still calling me by my last name~

Shoyo H: eek! *Blushes* Suk-

Ryomen S: ah! ah! Say my name~ I'm not leaving you alone if you don't ~

(Say my name~ say my name ~ if you love me let me here you ~ 😗) ahem...

Shoyo H: R-ryo m-men.. Ryomen 😖

Ryomen S: *pats his head* how about a nickname?

Shoyo H: !!! 🤔

Ryomen S: *looking at him smiling*

(Looks who's whipped)🫢

Shoyo H: Ryo-kun.... *Smiling widely while blushing*

Ryomen S: *smiles* 💭fvck I want to kiss him💭 alright ~ call me that~ sho-chan ~

Shoyo H: 😵‍💭 I'm going to die 😩💭

Ryomen S: by the way sho. Call your mom that you're going to be home late, don't worry I'll escort you back *smiles*

Shoyo H: okay!
Shoyo's Mom: {are you sure you're there to study darling? 😊}

Shoyo H: !!! {Y-yes mom! I promise! } 😩

Shoyo's Mom: {just making sure 😊}

Shoyo H; {I just called because I'm going to be late... }

Shoyo's Mom: {no volleyball right? 😊}

Shoyo H: {o-of course! No volleyball 😖}

Shoyo's Mom: {alright~ see you later shosho! Study well!}
(Mood swings) 😗
Ryomen S: hmm? What take you so long?

Shoyo H: mom's nagging me 😖😩

Ryomen S: *laughs* well let's start?

Shoyo H: mhm!

Ryomen S: your weakest subject is... Math?

Shoyo H: y-yeah?

Ryomen S: ... How are you so good at cooking and baking if you don't know the math..?

Shoyo H: uhmm? I just estimated how much to use for spice's and ingredients? *Tilts head thinking* 🤔

Ryomen S: *facepalm* 💭 unbelievable 💭

Shoyo H: why?

Ryomen S: you use calculations to solve your estimated number of ingredients and spice shoyo.

Shoyo H: 🤔 !!! 😲 OH!!

Ryomen S: *chuckles* alright let's start with algebra

Shoyo H: okay!

1½ hour later....
Shoyo H: 😩 no~ I can't anymore~

Ryomen S: alright let's stop here for now... I'll cook this time 'kay?

Shoyo H: !!! *Eyes sparkles* really??!!

Ryomen S: yeah you cook for me next time.

Shoyo H: mhm! 💭 Senpai is cooking!💭


Shoyo H: 😋 ish ghowd! *Munching*

Ryomen S: hey don't talk when your mouth is food..

Shoyo H: *swallows* It's good!

Ryomen S: messy eater~ *wipes hinata's lips with his thumb*

Shoyo H: *Shoyo.exe.stopped.working* 😵‍💫

Ryomen S: 💭His lips are soft💭

Shoyo H: ..... 💭senpai is confusing me💭 😖

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