Chapter 11- Is it a date....?

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This is Hinata's set up for the last 6 days and for the last day Sukuna decided to go out with hinata instead of studying since he's confident that Hinata will past since he put ALOT of efforts to teach him and to be close to him. And to help hinata relax before the exams.

Shoyo H: so... What are you gonna teach me today Ryo-kun?

Ryomen S: today let's learn about relax

Shoyo H: relax...?

Ryomen S; yean since we already covered every subject for your exams let's relax for today. I know a cafe nearby let's go there? 💭 It's a date💭

Shoyo H: 💭is it a date...?💭 Okay... 👉👈 *Shyly smile* b-but what about your studies senpai?

Ryomen S: don't worry sho I study after I take you home *pats his head* let's go?

Shoyo H: okay!


At the cafe

Waiter: good day sir what do you want to order today?

Ryomen S: Black Americano.

Shoyo H: uhm... caramel macchiato and a slice of Chocolate Fudge Cake! *Brightly smiles*

Waiter: 😎 *writes it down, bows and leaves*

Ryomen S: you've got quite a sweet tooth.

Shoyo H: mhm! I like chocolates the most! It tastes good!~ 😋

Ryomen S: mhm 💭noted💭

The food arrives

Waiter: here you go! Enjoy! *Bows and leave*

Shoyo H: 🤤 looks good!

Ryomen S: *chuckles* go on eat

Shoyo: *eating cutely* mmmmm 😋

Ryomen S: *chuckles* such a messy eater *leans in and wipes Hinata's lips with his thumbs*

Shoyo H: *blushes* t-thank you Ryo-kun

Ryomen S: *nods*

Shoyo H: Ryo-kun!

Ryomen S: hmm?

Shoyo H: ah~ *wants to feed him with cake*

Ryomen S: *opens mouth and eats it*

Shoyo H: *smiles* is it good?

Ryomen S: *nods* yours still tastier tho

Shoyo H: *blushes and smiles* yeah?! T-thanks!

The waiter in the side watching: 💭ah young love~💭

After that they go back to Sukuna's house and just hang out until after. Then they review a little. After that Sukuna send Hinata home early since he wants Hinata to rest for tomorrow's exams.

At Hinata's house

Shoyo H: bye bye Ryo-kun! See you tomorrow! *Smiling and waving cutely*

Ryomen S: good luck on your exams tomorrow shoyo~ I know you'll do well~

Shoyo H: mhm! Goodluck to senpai too!


The next day

After exams (cause why not?)

Shoyo H: 👉👈😖 *very nervous*

Tadashi Y: *taps hinata's shoulder*

Shoyo H: *startled*

Tadashi Y: calm down hinata-kun! You'll pass don't worry!

Kei T: *smirks* hah! I bet you failed everything~ then you can't play volleyball anymore~

Shoyo H: 🥺 *looks down* 👉👈

Oh no the baby's sad 😭😭😭

Tadashi Y: tsuki! Don't say that! Don't worry hinata-kun! I know you'll pass!

Kei T: tsk 💭 why can't I just shut up, he looks really sad. Fvck💭
Teacher: Hinata Shoyo

Shoyo H: h-hai! *Walks towards the teacher*

Teacher: *hands the test papers* ....

Shoyo H: *takes it* .....

Teacher: *smiles* congratulations hinata-kun! You really study hard for the exams!

Shoyo H: 🫢 😲 wah! This is really my exams sensei?!

Teacher: mhm! Well go on sit down.
Tadashi Y: ... So how did you do hinata-kun?

Kei T: *curious too*

Shoyo H: .....

Tadashi Y: ..... I-is it that bad?

Shoyo H: *smiles and shows his exam scores* I passed every subject!!

Tadashi Y: 😲 wow! Look at the scores!

English: B+
Mathematical: A+
Science: B
History: A
Social Studies; B

(I didn't include everything) 😗

Tadashi Y; you're really good at math!!

Shoyo H; yeah! I don't know that too!

Tadashi Y: and history too?

Shoyo H: I really like history, my strongest. But I didn't know that math would surpass it *really happy*

Kei T: !!!!! 💭 he's good, not gonna lie💭

Tadashi Y: your tutor really did good on tutoring you Hinata-kun!

Shoyo H: mhm! I need to thank Ryo-kun later! 💭hmmm💭

Tadashi Y: ??!! 💭oh with nicknames now. Senpai is way ahead!💭

Kei T: tch 💭the fvck is with that nickname?!💭 *Annoyed*

Shoyo H: 😲💡

Tadashi Y: you thought of something to thank senpai? ~

Shoyo H: !!! How do you know!? 😲

Tadashi Y: it's written all over your face hinata-kun!

Shoyo H: *touches his face*

Tadashi Y: *laughs* so what're you gonna do? 👀🍵

(Oh no yams is convered to tea)😨

Shoyo H: senpai likes my cooking so I'll cook for him and bake something! *Smiles*

Tadashi Y: wahh! You can cook and bake?! That's why you're good at math!

Shoyo H: *laughs and scratches cheeks* senapi said that in order to cook and bake I need to know calculations and such but I didn't realize it before...

Tadashi Y: oh!

Shoyo H: yeah .... Math is actually my weakest

Kei T: *raises eyebrow* 💭he cooks for him? And bake too?!💭 *Frustrated and walks out*

Shoyo H: ????

Tadashi Y: 💭oopppsss, totally forgot tsukki! He's so jealous 💭

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