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Half an hour later, I stepped into the glittering lobby of Grand Hearst Hotels. I wasn't here for a doctor's appointment at all. I was here for a job interview.

I'd passed the first interview rounds with flying colors over the past couple weeks, and today was the moment of truth. This was the final interview – a one-on-one with the CEO himself, so I was trying to stay calm. Trying not to get too excited about the prospect of freedom.

I tucked my de Leon Industries employee badge into my purse and took the elevator to the top floor.

"Are you Miss Viray?" A receptionist greeted me the moment I stepped off the elevator car.

"Yes, that's me."

"Excellent," she said, standing to her feet. "Follow me. Mr. Hearst is ready to see you now."

I followed her down the bright white halls as women in heels rushed by us on the other side. I silently envisioned myself waling down these same halls next week, smiling at whatever the hell everyone here seemed so happy about all the time.

The receptionist opened the door to a large office that took up half the floor, and inside, the CEO – an attractive, grey-haired man – smiled at me as I approached his desk.

"Good morning, Miss Viray!" Mr. Hearst stood up and extended his hand. "It's great to finally meet you in person after all these interview rounds."

"You as well, sir." I shook his hand and took a seat.

"You have quite the portfolio, I must say." He glanced at his computer screen and tapped a few keys on his keyboard. "You were first in your class from Yale in undergrad, and first in your class at Harvard Law." He tapped his keyboard again. "You completed consecutive summers at some pretty outstanding law firms, and now you work at de Leon Industries. Why aren't you working at a law firm?"

"Most of them were downsizing during the recession, sir."

"Ah, I see." He slid his reading glasses down the bridge of his nose. "Well, I'm still beyond impressed with your resume. Hell, I don't think we have anyone here who was first in their law class, from an Ivy-league at that."

I smiled and softly tapped my foot against the floor. I waited for him to say the four words I'd been waiting to hear all year: When can you start?

I reminded myself that I needed to hesitate a few seconds before blurting out, "Right fucking now."

Don't say fucking. Don't say fucking. Just say, right now...

"After carefully considering everything that you would potentially bring to my company, Miss Viray," he said, after several seconds of silence. "I think I can—"

"I can start today." I couldn't help myself. "Like, right now. I'm willing to share an office, I'm willing to work overtime and weekends, and I'll happily accept twenty percent less than my current salary."

"Well, that's the thing. I can't hire you, Miss Viray." He shut his laptop. "As impressive as you are, I don't think you would fit in here."

What? "Well, why can't you just give me a chance – even a temporary one, and find out for yourself? I've gotten along just fine with every interviewer I've met here."

He sighed. "Okay, look. I can't hire you because I don't want to be blackballed by Ms. de Leon."

"Come again?" I was confused. "What does Ms. de Leon have to do with anything?"

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