Chapter 2: Battle of the Jadeites (part 2)

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The interior of the coliseum resembled the grandeur of the Roman arenas, albeit with a distinctive feature: a protective magical barrier enveloped the exterior, ensuring the safety of the spectators. Yet, a gaping hole in this barrier's canopy allowed for the occasional "opportunity" to rain down onto the competitors.

Announcer: Ladies, gentlemen, and all those in between, let your applause resound for the event of a lifetime, where two Jadites are fated to clash for the title of the strongest! From the northern gateway emerges a figure who requires no introduction. His mastery of the blade remains unparalleled, especially when combined with his formidable magical prowess. His very blood boasts the famed hue of deep, dark purple. Give a thunderous welcome to Orimund!

The crowd erupted in cheers as a man draped in darkness made his entrance. He strolled casually, acknowledging the eager onlookers with waves of acknowledgment. Upon reaching the center, he drew his primary blade and plunged it into the ground, claiming it as his temporary pedestal.

Announcer: Now, advancing from the southern end, we welcome a man renowned for possessing the keenest eye in the world. He's capable of executing a lethal shot from over a thousand miles away, guaranteed headshot, all while maintaining an acute awareness of his surroundings. His mastery of magically enhanced weaponry is second to none, and his physical endurance is no laughing matter. Give your enthusiastic acclaim to the man clad in green, Lord Volk!

All eyes turned southward as Lord Volk entered the coliseum, his gun twirling gracefully around his finger before effortlessly transferring from hand to hand.

Volk: You seem remarkably confident today, my friend.

Orimund: Yeah, well, this confidence won't endure for long. We both understand that.

Announcer: And now, let the countdown to commence the duel begin...






The battle erupted with Orimund's signature move, "The Seven Deadly Sins." Seven ethereal apparitions materialized around him, each representing a deadly sin. Envy, Wrath, Greed, Sloth, Lust, Gluttony, and Pride circled Orimund menacingly, their forms dark and twisted.

Orimund lunged at Lord Volk with his dual blades, each strike carrying the essence of a different sin. Envy's blade sought to corrupt Volk's thoughts, while Wrath's strikes were relentless and furious. Greed aimed to drain Volk's strength, and Sloth weighed him down with oppressive force.

Volk danced through the onslaught, dodging and weaving with divine grace. His firearm morphed into a gleaming bow, and he fired arrows imbued with holy energy. The arrows created explosions of radiant light on impact, illuminating the arena in a dazzling display of power.

Orimund, his dark tendrils swirling around him like a menacing cloak, unleashed Lust's sinister power with a calculated daring. These inky, shadowy tendrils slithered through the air, their movements almost serpentine as they closed in on Lord Volk. Each tendril seemed to exude an aura of temptation and malevolence, whispering seductive thoughts that could corrupt the strongest minds.

As the tendrils approached, they attempted to ensnare Volk's consciousness, but his iron willpower stood firm against the insidious allure. His mind was a bastion of unwavering determination, and he remained steadfast in his resolve.

Volk's retaliation was swift and awe-inspiring. With a commanding gesture, he called upon angelic beings, radiant figures bathed in a golden, divine light. These celestial entities descended from the heavens, their majestic wings outstretched and their presence filling the coliseum with an ethereal grace. Each angel wielded a gleaming spear of purest gold, a weapon imbued with divine power.

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