Chapter 2: Battle of the Jadeites (part 3)

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As the smoke and debris settled, it was revealed that Orimund had not been obliterated by the explosion. Instead, a swirling cloak of dark energy had enveloped him, a shroud of shadows and dust that had absorbed much of the force, dispersing it into tendrils of shadowy mist that billowed around him. Though battered and scorched, he emerged from the darkness, standing tall and defiant.

Volk watched in astonishment, realizing that Orimund had survived his most devastating attack. "Impressive, Orimund," he acknowledged, admiration clear in his voice. "But don't think for a moment that this changes anything. I still hold the advantage."

Orimund, a sly grin on his face, retorted, "Oh, I wouldn't dream of it, Volk. This battle is just getting started."

With renewed determination, the two combatants readied themselves for the next phase of their epic clash.

Orimund, facing the daunting challenge of Volk's mighty tank, knew he needed an extraordinary move to counter the overwhelming force before him. The tank's massive cannons were locked onto him, and he could feel the pressure building as they prepared to unleash another devastating barrage.

With a deep breath, Orimund focused his dark magic, drawing upon the essence of the Seven Deadly Sins. Energy crackled around him as he harnessed the malevolent power within. He raised his sword high, its blade pulsating with an ominous aura.

As the tank's cannons roared to life, firing a relentless stream of shells in his direction, Orimund made his move. In a display of unparalleled speed and agility, he launched himself into the air, evading the deadly projectiles with a grace that seemed almost supernatural.

In mid-air, Orimund unleashed his dark magic, channeling it into a devastating attack. He swung his sword in a wide arc, releasing a surge of malevolent energy that surged toward the tank like a malevolent wave.

The dark energy struck with incredible force, engulfing the tank in a writhing maelstrom of shadows. The tank shuddered and groaned under the relentless assault, its systems faltering as the dark energy corroded its mechanical frame.

With a deafening explosion, the tank succumbed to the relentless assault, erupting in a fiery burst of destruction. The coliseum was engulfed in a blinding inferno as the tank disintegrated under the onslaught of Orimund's dark magic.

Amidst the smoke and flames, Orimund landed gracefully on the coliseum floor, his dark cloak billowing around him. He stood victorious, his chest heaving with exertion, as he surveyed the destruction he had wrought.

Volk emerged from the wreckage of the tank in what seems to be now a... Mech Suit?

Volk emerged from the wreckage of the tank, now encased in a colossal Mech Suit that exuded an air of technological superiority.

Orimund's eyes widened in disbelief as he took in the sight. "Are you kidding me?"

As if in response to Orimund's incredulous remark, Volk's Mech Suit unleashed a barrage of holy rockets, each streaking through the air with divine purpose. Orimund, his agility once again on full display, evaded the explosive projectiles. His nimble dodges were a dance of survival amid the chaos of battle.

However, Volk wasn't done yet. With a flick of his armored wrist, the Mech Suit activated an autofire turret that sprayed a relentless hail of bullets toward Orimund. Some rounds found their mark, landing impactful blows on Orimund's form.

Orimund, undeterred, called upon his dark magic in this dire moment. With a flourish, he summoned a black hole spear beneath the Mech Suit, and the ground trembled as the inky vortex of destruction surged upward. The spear tore through the Mech Suit's armored plating, creating a chaotic rupture of energy and debris.

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